孕11~16周胎儿颈部软组织厚度超声测量632例临床分析 黑龙江省铁力市人民医院黑龙江铁力 152500 摘要:目的:探讨孕11~16周胎儿颈部软组织厚度超声测量632例临床表现。方法:2014年1月至2016年6月我院前来就诊的632例孕妇,全部接受了相关的NT[2]孕检,符合本次研究的基本条件。对632例孕妇进行腹超声测量,检查胎儿的颈部软组织厚度,仪器选用DONIERAI 5200型彩超仪[3]。结果:以上所有测量结果包括各孕周NT的均值标准不尽相同,本研究的所有数据差异有统计学意义(P<)。结论:本文通过对孕11~16周胎儿颈部软组织厚度超声测量632例临床分析得出,提前做好NT检测,对新生儿预防各类先天性疾病具有积极的意义。 关键词:孕11~16周;胎儿;颈部软组织厚度;超声测量 Clinical analysis of 632 cases of fetal cervical soft tissue thickness in pregnancy 11~16 weeks Zhang Hongwei (the people's Hospital of Heilongjiang Province,Tieli City,Heilongjiang Tieli 152500) [Abstract] Objective:To investigate the clinical features of 632 cases of fetal cervical soft tissue thickness in the gestational 11~16 weeks. Methods:from January 2014 to June 2016,632 cases of pregnant women who came to our hospital were all received the relevant NT[2] pregnancy test,which was in accordance with the basic conditions of this study. 632 cases of pregnant women to carry out abdominal ultrasound measurement,examination of the fetal neck soft tissue thickness,the instrument selection of DONIERAI 5200 color Doppler ultrasound instrument [3]. Results:the mean values of all the measurement results including the gestational age NT were not the same,the difference was statistically significant (P<). Conclusion:This article through to the pregnant 11~16 weeks fetal neck soft tissue thickness ultrasound measurem