1 2 2 2 Û Û Û Û 第 34 卷增刊Û Û东南大学学报( 自然科学版) Vol 34 Sup.
2004 年 11 月 JOURNAL OF SOUTHEAST UNIVERSITY (Natural Science Edition) Nov. 2004
基于反步法的永磁同步电机输出反馈控制系统研究 沈艳霞李三东纪志成 (江南大学控制科学与工程研究中心,无锡 214036) 摘要: 针对永磁同步电机(PMSM) 绕组相电流和转速强耦合特性,采用积分反步法讨论了精确的位 置跟踪控制问题. 在已知电机模型的精确参数情况下,假定只有转子位置可测. 设计了速度和定子 电流的非线性观测器,提出了输出反馈控制器的设计方法,在保证定子电流跟踪参考电流的前提 下,实现了位置的精确跟踪控制. 通过构造适当的 Lyapunov 函数,证明了所设计的控制系统的全局 2 2 稳定性. 仿真结果表明,用该方法设计的 PMSM 控制系统滤波跟踪误差迅速以指数规律收敛到零. 关键词: 永磁同步电机;反步法;输出反馈;伺服控制 中图分类号: TM13 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1001 - 0505(2004) 增刊 0071 05 Output feedback control system based on backstepping of permanent synchronous motor Shen Yanxia Li Sandong Ji Zhicheng (Control Science and Engineering Research Center , Southern Yangtze University , Wuxi 214036 , China) Abstract : Permanent synchronous motor ( PMSM) plicated due to its significant nonlinear coupling between its phase winding currents and the rotor velocity. The precise position control problem is analyzed based on the integral backstepping methods. Under the assumption that only the rotor position can be measured and the exact model knowledge are known , the velocity and stator current observer are designed respectively. An output feedback controller is proposed to ensure the stator currents tracking their desired values. The global stability of the control system is proved by constructing an