头孢西丁钠联合地塞米松治疗急性附睾炎30例 毕文华王梅利(通讯作者)高恩江闫波于志勇周海军 (潍坊市中医院泌尿外科山东潍坊 261041) 【中图分类号】R697【文献标识码】A【文章编号】1672-5085(2012)5-0105-03 【摘要】目的评价头孢西丁钠联合地塞米松在治疗急性附睾炎中的临床疗效。方法将60例急性附睾炎患者分为两组,实验组30例,给予头孢西丁钠加地塞米松治疗,对照组30例,单纯给予头孢西丁钠治疗。治疗过程中注意观察患者症状及体温变化;治疗后4周进行精液质量检查分析。%%。实验组精子质量分析中精子密度、精子活动率、a级和b级精子活力均高于对照组,而精子畸形率反而低于对照组,差异均具有统计学意义(P<)。结论头孢西丁钠联合地塞米松治疗急性附睾炎的效果安全可靠,可以在临床中应用。 【关键词】急性附睾炎头孢西丁钠地塞米松 【Abstract】Objective To evaluate the clinical efficacy in the treatment of acute epididymitis by cefoxitin sodium plus dexamethasone. Methods 60 patients with acute epididymitis were divided into two groups,experimental group,30 patients received cefoxitin sodium plus dexamethasone treatment,control group 30 cases,simply to give cefoxitin sodium therapy. Observe the changes in symptoms and body temperature in the course of treatment; 4 weeks later,analysis the semen quality. Results The response rate in experimental group and control group was % and %. The sperm density ,sperm motility,a and b sperm level are significantly higher in the experimental group than control group,but abnormal sperm rate in experimental group is lower than control group,both differences were statistically significant (P<). Conclusions The effects of the treatment of acute epididymitis with cefoxitin sodium and dexamethasone are safe and reliable ,and it can be used in clinical.