中西医治疗解脲脲原体感染所致男性不育症疗效观察.doc中西医治疗解脲脲原体感染所致男性不育症疗效观察 【摘要】目的探讨中西医结合治疗解脲脲原体(Uu)感染所致不育症的临床疗效。方法将47例Uu感染所致不育症的男性患者随机分为两组,两组抗生素治疗均选用体外药敏实验的敏感药物。治疗组另加中药通淋止痛,清热利湿;健脾固精或健脾补肾,温补肾阳,通络填精。结果治疗组24例中,痊愈22例(%);显效1例(%);好转1例(%);%。对照组23例中,痊愈14例(%);显效1例(%);好转1例(%);无效7例(%);%。两组痊愈率、有效率均有显著性差异(P<),治疗组明显优于对照组。结论中西药结合治疗Uu所致的男性不育症能显著提高治愈率。 【关键词】中西医结合解脲脲原体男性不育症 【Abstract】Objective to discuss the clinical effect of the Chinese and edicine treatment of male infertility infected by Ureaplasma urealyticum. Method: Randomly divide 47 patients of male infertility infected by Ureaplasma urealyticum into tedicines are used in the treatment group to treat stranguria and relieve pain, eliminat dampness and heat, nourish spleen and kidney, control nocturnal emission, and recuperat the kidney-yang, and dredg collaterals and replenish essence. Results: 22 out of 24 (%) patients in the treatment group arkedly effect (%) and 1 case of improvement (%). The effective rate is %. 14 out of 23 (%) patients in the control group arkedly effect (%), 1 case of improvement (%) and 7 cases of no effect. The effective rate is %. The differences in recovery rate and effective rate betent group superior to the control group. Conclusion: the Chinese and edicine treatment of male infertility infected by Ureaplsma urealyticum can notably improve the cure rate. 【Key edi