Na+cl “。“含量均无明显变化. 关键词:猪等孢球虫;生理生化指标;仔猪 S85272 A Dynamic Observation the Blood Physiological Index and Serum Biochemical Piglets , ZHU .琘, Fuehun2LIXiangruil (1College ScienceNnanjing , 210095China2College Husbandry and 琀 UniversityZhengzhou450002China 3Test HospitalZhengzhouUniversityZhengzhou, : order the dynamic changes the blood physiological index and serum biochemical piglets , 猳 piglets ,. 甌 blood physiological index and serum biochemical checked The checkedtimeare 1 day and 136911 postinfection(DPI)respectivelyThe results white blood 1 DPI and reached value 1 1 甊 blood reduced 3 DPI and the point 9 瑆 was refection 1 1 瓵 gradually and reached value 1 1 瓵 the value 6 DPIAlkalinephosphatase descented 1 琣 the point 1 1 甃 and a-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase reduced but had significant changeAlbuminreduced 1 瑆 was refection 1 1 DPIGlobulin琤 has significant changeGlucose but has significant . 收稿日期:一叭一 基金项目:河南省基础与前沿技术研究计划项目 作者简介:,河南