老年性白内障病人术后情绪影响血压的预见性护理 汪静许艳群(芜湖市弋矶山医院 241000) 【摘要】目的探讨预见性护理在老年性白内障患者术后血压平稳中的作用。方法将80名有高血压病史的单纯性老年性白内障患者分为观察组(40 例)对照组(40例)两组均采取小切口白内障摘除伴人工晶体植入术,对照组给予常规护理,观察组给予预见性护理。结果观察组40例患者术后能良好控制情绪,血压平稳。对照组40例患者术后情绪激动引发不同程度高血压的有6例。结论预见性护理在老年性白内障病人术后情绪对血压的影响中起到良好的安抚作用,可避免因过分激动而引发血压升高。 【关键词】术后情绪血压预见性护理 【中图分类号】R473 【文献标识码】B 【文章编号】2095-1752(2012)35-0235-02 【Abstract】 objective to explore the nursing foresight in senile cataract smooth postoperative blood pressure the function of blood pressure. Methods 80 women with a history of hypertension simple senile cataract patients divided into the observation group (40 cases) control group (n = 40) both groups take small incision cataract removal and implantation, the control group to conventional care, the observation group gives predictive nursing care. Results the observation group 40 patients had the good mood can control, blood pressure stable. The control group 40 patients had the emotional trigger different degree of high blood pressure has 6 cases. Conclusion the foresight care in senile cataract patients after the influence of the mood in blood pressure a forting, can avoid the excessively excited and cause increased blood pressure. 【Keywords】 postoperative nursing emotional blood pressure foresight 白内障是老年人多发病,常见病,一般采用手术方式进行治疗,从而达 到改善生活质量的目的,手术多在局麻下进行,简单安全有效[1]。由于老年人有其特定的生理及心理特点和疾病本身的作用也给患者的临床治疗和护理带来了很多问题[2],特别是一些伴有高血压疾病的老年患者,从术前多年的