重组日本血吸虫P14蛋白对血吸虫感染小鼠保护性免疫效果.pdf2013254ChinJ Schisto Control ,琋 375 []10056661(2013)04-037505 ·论著· P14 保护性免疫效果 + R猐 P14(SjPl4)SjPl4 粒甋,,纯化蛋白后,进行十二烷基磺酸钠一聚丙烯酰胺 。将芰浯菩訠痗小鼠随机分为刈榈鞍资笛樽、佐剂对 (B)(C)10100庖次,每次间隔埽┐蚊庖吆周,血吸 66(ELISA) lgGIL4IFN^y6SjPl4 ()38000rSjPl4SiPl46AIgG 体水平升高,.± <005)IFN1(171307012)ngLc[(136893762)ngL]B[(153644344)ngL] (P<005)A6IL46(112051502)ngLC[(10282 2746)ngL](P<005)A292413BC 统计学意义均.=崧踫蛋白疫苗具有一定的抗血吸虫感染免疫保护作用。 丶蔧 P14 [R38324南妆晔堵搿緼 Preliminary studies induced binant protein Schistosoma japonicum P14 and its mechanism against schistosome in- fection XiaoniuJIFengJIANG, —, ‘ ofMedical , Medical CollegeWuhu241002China 8 Corresponding Objective explore the the basic calponin-like the infection ofSchistosomajaponicumMethods The binant plasmid pET28a(+)-SjPl4 was 琣 transferred E lineAfterinducedbyisopropylBDthiogalaetoside(IPTG)the protein Was purifiedand gel electrophoresis(SDSPAGE)andWestern ,. BALBcmice(six- divided three for 琲 A 珺 group(aaju- contr01)andC contr01)The the A group 100 lxg ine for three times intervalAfterthe final immunizationthe cercariae SjaponicumTheB C experienced ,, for 甌 IgGIL-4 and ELISA immunizing6weeks after immunizingand6 weeks after the infectionrespectively The reduction rates the 6th after the 甊 The SIPl4 protein was about kDa and was 甌 level serum Ig