第 16 卷第 2 期工程设计学报 Vol. 16 No. 2
2009 年 4 月 Journal of Engineering Design Apr. 2009
DOI: 10. 3785/ j. issn. 1006
754X. 2009. 02. 001
贺向东1, 2 , 张义民2, 闻邦椿2
( 1. 大连工业大学机械工程与自动化学院, 辽宁大连 116034;
2. 东北大学机械工程与自动化学院, 辽宁沈阳 110004)
要: 将机械系统可靠性设计理论和稳健设计方法相结合, 讨论了多失效模式机械系统可靠性稳健设计问题, 提
出了多失效模式机械系统可靠性稳健设计的计算方法. 把可靠性灵敏度融入可靠性优化设计模型之中, 将机械系
统可靠性稳健设计归结为满足可靠性要求的多目标优化问题. 在基本随机参数的前二阶矩已知的情况下, 可以迅
关键词: 机械系统; 可靠性优化设计; 稳健设计; 可靠性稳健设计
中图分类号: T U 318; T B114
文献标识码: A
文章编号: 1006
754X( 2009) 02
Research on reliability
based robust design of mechanical
system with correlated failure modes
HE Xiang
dong1, 2 , ZH ANG Yi
min 2, WEN Bang
( 1. College o f M echanical Eng ineering and Automat ion, Da lian Po ly technic U niversity , Dalian 116034, China;
2. Co llege of M echanical Engineering and A utomation, N ortheastern U niversit y, Shenyang 110004, China)
Abstract: Based o n reliability design theo ry of mechanical system and robust design m ethod, the
based robust desig n of m echanical system w ith cor related failure mo des is ex tensiv ely
discussed and a numerical method for reliability
based robust desig n of mechanical system with
cor related failur e modes is pro posed. T he reliability sensitivity is integrated w ith the reliability
based optim ization desig n model and the relia
多失效模式机械系统可靠性稳健设计方法研究 来自淘豆网m.daumloan.com转载请标明出处.