区块链技术在我国社会信用体系建设中的应用研究.doc区块链技术在我国社会信用体系建设中的应用研究 刘财林 中国人民银行怀化市中心支行 X 关注成功! 加关注后您将方便地在我的关注中得到本文献的被引频次变化的通知! 新浪微博 腾讯微博 人人网 开心网 豆瓣网 网易微博 摘 要: 通过对区块链技术的介绍和对我国社会信用体系建设进展情况的疏理, 认为我国社会信用资源分散的现状与区块链技术所要解决的问题基本一致。基于此, 从技术角度提出利用区块链模式建立社会信用链系统, 同时建议由中国人民银行和国家发展改革委共同推进信用链系统和统一信用信息服务平台建设等。 关键词: 区块链; 信用体系建设; 信用资源; 社会信用链; 作者简介:刘财林(1982—) , 男, 四川遂宁人, 经济师, 本科, 主要研究方向为调查统计与征信管理。 收稿日期:2017-05-15 Research on the Application of Block Chain Technology in the Construction of Social Credit System in China LIU Cailin Huaihua City Central Sub-branch of the People' Bank of China; Abstract: Based on the introduction of block chain technology and summary of the progress of constructing social credit system in China, this paper states that the decentra lized status quo of social credit resources in China is basically the same as the problem to be solved by block chain technology. Hence, the paper presents a scheme of constructing the social credit system in China from the technical viewpoint by using the block chain model, and proposes to promote the construction of credit chain system and united credit information service platform by the People's Bank of China and State Development and mittee. Keyword: block chain; credit system construction; credit resources; social credit chain; Received: 2017-05-15 一、区块链技术介绍 (一) 什么是区块链 区块链(英语名:blockchain或block chain) 是使用分布式数据库进行识别、传播和记载信息的智能化对等网络。区块链是分布式数