张巧真, 张燕, 张勉*, 黄芳, 窦昌贵, 金育
Abstract:ObjectiveTo search the antitussive part of Flos Farfarae (FF) and the reinforcement part of Radix Asteris (RA) in the paired drug (pound drug) of FF and RA. MethodsEvaluating the antitussive effect by cough times of mice caused by ammonia. ResultsBoth FF and the pair-drug of FF and RA can reduce the cough times of mice caused by ammonia .The aqueous extract (AE) of FF and its part of insoluble in 90% ethanol (90%insol-part) shoore effective than its ethanol extracts, and the 90%insol-part of FF is the effective antitussive part. In pound drugs, the 30%-EE and the 90%sol-part of RA can greatly reinforce the antitussive effect of FF. According to the patibility theory of traditional Chinese medicine, the 90%sol-part of RA should be the promotional part to FF in the paired drug.
Key otional part
款冬花为菊科植物款冬Tussilago farfara ,味辛、 g量连续灌胃给药3 d,空白对照组给予等体积的蒸馏水(滴加1滴吐温80),咳必清作为阳性对照。末次给药1h后,分别迅速向500ml宽口瓶内喷入等浓度等体积的浓氨水,密封,饱和2 min后将小鼠单只迅速放入其中。观察从放入小鼠到首次出现咳嗽的时间(潜伏期)及小
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