recurrence caused by overexertion recurrence caused by dietary irregularity :fetal infection deficiency !"consumption of vital essence #excess $!% excess of pathogenic qi #&'intermingled deficiency and excess &#(deficiency complicated with excess #& excess complicated with deficiency )%*upper excess and lower deficiency )*#upper deficiency and lower excess #+,true-false of excess-deficiency +#,true excess disease with false deficient manifestation +,#true deficiency disease with false excessive manifestation -superficies deficiency -#esuperficies excess .interior deficiency . #interior excess /012yin-yang disharmony : . /03% excess of either yin or yang /%yin excessiveness 0%yang excessiveness / P435deficiency of either yin or yang 0(yang deficiency 067cold manifestation due to yang deficiency 0 )8deficient yang with upper manifestation /yin deficiency /09hyperactivity of yang due to yin deficiency /:; ever due to yin deficiency /<=hyperactivity of fire due to yin deficiency <)>flaring up of deficient fire /0?deficiency of both yin and yang /***@A0yin deficiency involving yang ******@A/yang deficiency involving yin /0BCexpulsion of yin-yang 0DE/extreme yang with yin manifestation /DE0extreme yin with yang manifestation F GHIJnner blocking causing collapse K0yang depletion K/yin depletion /L 0Jdepletion of yin causing yang collapse /0MNdivorce of yin-yang -7superficies cold -;superficies heat .7interior cold . ; :interior heat : . 7;+,true-false of cold and heat +7,;true cold disease with false heat manifestation +;,7true heat disease with false cold manifestation 7;O'intermingled cold and heat -;.7superficies heat with interior cold -7.;superficies cold with interior heat P"five exhaustions !Q12disorder of qi and blood !qi deficiency !Rflatulence caused by qi deficiency !STfailure of keeping fluid due toqi deficiency !SUVfailure of qi transforming fluid !Jqi desertion W!Xoverexertion leading to qi consumption !YSZdisorder of qi movement ![qi stagnation !\qi depression !\U<qi depression transforming into fire !Gqi blockage !](reversed flow of qi !U^_failure in qi transformation `a