Abstract With the development of mobile technology and sustained improvement in science and technology,wireless works(WSNs) consisting of sensor nodes is increasingly widely applied to practice,which also has gradually achieved the low-cost, low-power, high-efficiency , how to work resource utilization is still the problem needs to be control problem in WSN is an issue which concentrates on how to optimize allocation of resources, increase coverage area and extend lifetime according to scheduling algorithm and self-regulation. Therefore, related reserch on how to maximum coverage using minimum consumption and make full use of various resources will e a major subject. In this dissertation, a full investigation of the existing domestic and international literature on wireless works has been done, research work on the coverage control problems has been focused on and summarized. Based on these works, the proposed method improves the existing algorithm, and the main contributions are described as follows: Firstly the probability model is introduced into the coverage-enhancing algorithm of the directional work based on the virtual potential field, and the probability model would have an impact on the location of the centroid. Secondly, to the boundary coverage, through the simulation of typical algorithms which consider the boundary repulsion, it finds that the coverage rates of the corners are much lower than the overall coverage. To add a vertex force on the corner is essential and to some extent would reduce the gap between them. Finally, based on the random deployment of sensor nodes, a novel algorithm are proposed which determines whether the sensor node rotate or move along fixed direction according to the coverage effect, named as PRMCA (Probability model based Rotate or Move along fixed direction Coverage-enhancing Algorithm). In the coverage enhancement algorithm based on the path of a moving target MTPCA(Moving Target based Pat