该【氧化钙协同臭氧降解脱色木醋液转化液的研究 】是由【niuww】上传分享,文档一共【3】页,该文档可以免费在线阅读,需要了解更多关于【氧化钙协同臭氧降解脱色木醋液转化液的研究 】的内容,可以使用淘豆网的站内搜索功能,选择自己适合的文档,以下文字是截取该文章内的部分文字,如需要获得完整电子版,请下载此文档到您的设备,方便您编辑和打印。氧化钙协同臭氧降解脱色木醋液转化液的研究 氧化钙协同臭氧降解脱色木醋液转化液的研究 摘要: 脱色木醋液是一种常见的木材加工副产物,但其高浓度和复杂的化学组成使其具有较大的环境污染风险。本研究旨在探究氧化钙协同臭氧处理脱色木醋液的能力以及转化液的性质变化。研究结果表明,氧化钙和臭氧协同作用能够显著提高对脱色木醋液的降解效果,并且转化液中的污染物含量明显减少。此外,本研究还对处理过程中的关键参数进行了优化,提高了处理效率。 1. 引言 木材加工产生的脱色木醋液具有较高的酸度和复杂的化学成分,主要包括醋酸、酚类化合物和多种有机物。这些物质会对环境造成巨大污染风险,因此需要采取有效的处理方法。 2. 方法 本研究采用了氧化钙和臭氧作为处理剂,通过设计实验,优化操作参数来提高处理效率。处理后,分析了转化液中的化学成分以及水质变化。 3. 结果与讨论 结果表明,氧化钙协同臭氧处理对脱色木醋液具有显著的降解效果。通过优化操作参数,如氧化钙用量和臭氧浓度,可以进一步提高处理效果。处理后,转化液中的酸度明显降低,酚类化合物和有机物的含量也显著减少。 4. 结论 本研究证明了氧化钙协同臭氧处理对脱色木醋液的有效性,并且能够显著减少其对环境的污染风险。该方法在工业应用中具有一定的潜力。此外,通过优化处理参数,可以进一步提高处理效率,为实际应用提供技术支持。 关键词:氧化钙;臭氧;脱色木醋液;转化液;污染物 Abstract: The degradation of decolorized wood vinegar transformation liquid by calcium oxide synergizing with ozone was studied in this paper. The high concentration and complex chemical composition of decolorized wood vinegar pose significant environmental pollution risks. This study aims to explore the capability of calcium oxide synergizing with ozone to degrade decolorized wood vinegar and the changes in the properties of the transformation liquid. The results show that the combined action of calcium oxide and ozone can significantly improve the degradation effect on decolorized wood vinegar and greatly reduce the pollutant content in the transformation liquid. In addition, this study optimized the key parameters during the treatment process to enhance the treatment efficiency. 1. Introduction Decolorized wood vinegar is a common byproduct of wood processing, but its high concentration and complex chemical composition pose significant environmental pollution risks. Therefore, effective treatment methods are needed. 2. Methods In this study, calcium oxide and ozone were used as treatment agents, and the operational parameters were optimized through experimental design to improve the treatment efficiency. After treatment, the chemical composition and water quality changes in the transformation liquid were analyzed. 3. Results and Discussion The results show that calcium oxide synergizing with ozone has a significant degradation effect on decolorized wood vinegar. By optimizing operational parameters, such as the amount of calcium oxide and ozone concentration, the treatment effect can be further improved. After treatment, the acidity of the transformation liquid significantly decreases, and the content of phenolic compounds and organic matter also decreases significantly. 4. Conclusion This study demonstrates the effectiveness of calcium oxide synergizing with ozone in degrading decolorized wood vinegar and reducing its environmental pollution risks. This method has the potential for industrial applications. Furthermore, by optimizing the treatment parameters, the treatment efficiency can be further improved, providing technical support for practical applications. Keywords: calcium oxide; ozone; decolorized wood vinegar; transformation liquid; pollutants