【答案】:A 6、英译汉:“purchase; product",正确的翻译为( )。 ;加工 ;产品 ;加工 ;产品 【答案】:B 7、We have pleasure in advising that a ( ) was established in your favour through Bank of Chin. credit
【答案】:D 13、进口兰花种苗,其报检时限为人境前( )。 天 天 天 天 【答案】:C 14、英译汉:“gross weight; net weight”,正确的翻译为( )。 ;皮重 ;净重 ;毛重 ;皮重 【答案】:B 15、( )package will result in the damage t( ) t He goods during the long-- distance transportation.
【答案】:C 16、my frienD tolD me that( ) English language is diffiCult is diffiCult English is diffiCult English is diffiCult 【答案】:A 17、对装运出口( )的船舱和集装箱,其承运人或装箱单位必须在装货前申请适载检验。
【答案】:A 31、英译汉:“second; fifth”,正确的翻译为( )。 ;第四 ;第五 ;第四 ;第五 【答案】:B 32、We lodge a claim for a shortage of 5000Kg, enclosed a certificate of ( ) issued by CIQ.