【答案】:D 28、Commodity inspection may serve as the basic evidence for ( ) trade disputes.
【答案】:C 29、以下进境货物,不需要办理检疫审批手续的是( )。
【答案】:A 30、旅客携带伴侣犬或伴侣猫进境,每人限带( )。
D.—只都不能带 【答案】:A 31、Sales Contract
【答案】:C 32、西安某生产企业出门一批货物,拟由汽车运至青岛通关后海运出口,《出境货物报检单》的“运输 工具名称”和“启运地”应分别填写( )。 ;西安 ;青岛 ;西安 ;青岛 【答案】:D 33、“The goods are in nude. ’’ means ( ) 0 goods are packed with wooden box goods are packed with iron box basket is used for the goods package is used for the goods 【答案】:D 34、The goods were packed ( )plywood cases,with gunnies covering the outside.
【答案】:C 35、根据下面提供的单据完成关于《入境货物报检单》填制的单项选择题13~23题:
【答案】:D 36、We need the clean shipped bills of ( ) in complete set issued to order and blank endorsed marked freight paid.