【答案】:A 16、对于任何一棵二叉树 T,如果其终端结点数为 n0,度为 2 的结点为 n2,则( )。 = n2+1 = n0+1 = 2n2+1 =2n0+1 【答案】:A 17、在页式存储管理系统中选择页面的大小,需要考虑的因素是( )。Ⅰ.页面大的好处是页表较小;Ⅱ.页面小的好处是可以减少由内碎片引起的内存浪费;Ⅲ,通常,影响磁盘访问时间的主要因素不在于页面的大小,所以使用时可优先考虑较大的页面。 A.Ⅰ和Ⅲ B.Ⅱ和Ⅲ C.Ⅰ和Ⅱ D.Ⅰ和Ⅱ和Ⅲ 【答案】:C 18、BGP runs over a reliable transport (请作答此空). This eliminates the need to implement explicit update fragmentation, retransmission, acknowledgement, and ( ). Any authentication scheme used by the transport protocol may be used in addition to BGP's own ( )mechanisms. The error notification mechanism used in BGP ( )that the transport protocol supports a “graceful” close, ., that all outstanding data will be delivered ( )the connection is closed.