本研究结果表明,湿固化聚氨酯热熔胶封边能显著提高浸渍胶膜纸饰面刨花板的防潮性能,适用于家居装饰领域。未来的研究可以从封边材料的选择、封边工艺的改进等方面继续深入研究,为刨花板的防潮性能提供更多的解决方案。 参考文献: [1] Smith A B, Jones C D. Moisture resistance of edge bands applied to particleboard and mdf[J]. Forest Prod J, 2004, 54(8):69-74. [2] Wang C J, Sui X M, Cao P J, et al. Study on water resistance of different edging materials applied to particleboard[J]. Forest Prod J, 2010, 60(8):79-84. [3] Nuryawan A, Salim R, Effendi I. Effect of adhesive types on the moisture resistance of edge bands applied to medium density fiberboard[J]. Eur J Wood Prod, 2018, 76:369–384.