该【环境友好型耐火材料的研究进展 】是由【niuwk】上传分享,文档一共【5】页,该文档可以免费在线阅读,需要了解更多关于【环境友好型耐火材料的研究进展 】的内容,可以使用淘豆网的站内搜索功能,选择自己适合的文档,以下文字是截取该文章内的部分文字,如需要获得完整电子版,请下载此文档到您的设备,方便您编辑和打印。环境友好型耐火材料的研究进展
摘 要:随着人们对环境保护意识的不断增强,耐火材料的环境友好性得到了广泛关注。环境友好型耐火材料作为一种具有环境友好性能的新型材料,在耐火领域中有着广阔的应用前景。本文将从材料的制备方法、性能及应用等方面对环境友好型耐火材料的研究进展进行综述。
1. 粉末冶金法:粉末冶金法是一种常见的制备环境友好型耐火材料的方法。通过将原材料粉末进行混合、成型和烧结等工艺,制备出具有良好耐火性能的材料。该方法具有制备工艺简单、成本低廉等优点。
2. 溶胶-凝胶法:溶胶-凝胶法是一种制备高性能耐火材料的重要方法。该方法通过溶胶的形成和凝胶的固化,得到具有高比表面积和均匀孔隙结构的耐火材料。该方法具有制备材料成分可调、工艺灵活等优点。
3. 等离子喷涂法:等离子喷涂法是一种近年来快速发展的制备环境友好型耐火材料的方法。该方法利用等离子火焰的高温高能量,将耐火材料粉末喷涂到基体上进行覆盖。该方法具有制备快速、成本低廉、成形复杂度高等特点。
1. 高耐火性:环境友好型耐火材料能够在高温环境下保持强度和形状的稳定性,具有良好的耐热性能。
2. 低热导率:环境友好型耐火材料具有低热导率的特点,能够减少能源的消耗,提高能源利用效率。
3. 良好的抗侵蚀性:环境友好型耐火材料能够抵抗酸碱等腐蚀介质的侵蚀,延长材料的使用寿命。
4. 良好的热震稳定性:环境友好型耐火材料具有良好的热震稳定性,能够经受高温快速冷却和加热循环的作用。
1. 冶金行业:环境友好型耐火材料在冶金行业中用于高温炉窑的构筑和衬里,能够提高炉窑的使用寿命和热工性能。
2. 建筑行业:环境友好型耐火材料在建筑行业中用于高层建筑的防火墙、隔断等部位,能够提高建筑物的防火性能。
3. 化工行业:环境友好型耐火材料在化工行业中用于化工设备的内衬和管道的涂覆,能够保护设备和管道免受腐蚀的侵害。
1. 张鹏. 环境友好型耐火材料的研究进展[J]. 环境科学导刊, 2018(10):156-159.
2. 李明, 王磊. 环境友好型耐火材料的制备方法与性能研究综述[J]. 人造石材, 2019, 26(6):13-16.
3. 刘洋, 张军. 环境友好型耐火材料的应用现状与前景[J]. 环境科学家, 2020, 8(5):33-37.
Abstract: With the increasing awareness of environmental protection, the environmental friendliness of refractory materials has attracted widespread attention. As a new type of material with environmental friendliness, environmentally friendly refractory materials have broad application prospects in the field of refractory. This paper reviews the research progress of environmentally friendly refractory materials from the aspects of preparation methods, properties and applications.
Keywords: environmentally friendly refractory materials; preparation methods; properties; applications
1. Introduction
Refractory materials are materials that can maintain strength, shape and chemical stability in high temperature environments. Traditional refractory materials often use toxic and harmful substances, which cause pollution and harm to the environment. With the enhancement of environmental awareness, environmentally friendly refractory materials have become the focus of future development and research.
2. Preparation methods of environmentally friendly refractory materials
1. Powder metallurgy method: Powder metallurgy method is a common method for preparing environmentally friendly refractory materials. By mixing, forming and sintering the raw material powders, materials with good refractory performance can be prepared. This method has the advantages of simple preparation process and low cost.
2. Sol-gel method: The sol-gel method is an important method for preparing high-performance refractory materials. This method obtains refractory materials with high specific surface area and uniform pore structure by the formation of sol and the solidification of gel. This method has the advantages of adjustable material composition and flexible process.
3. Plasma spraying method: The plasma spraying method is a rapidly developing method for preparing environmentally friendly refractory materials in recent years. This method uses the high temperature and high energy of the plasma flame to spray the refractory powder onto the substrate for coating. This method has the characteristics of rapid preparation, low cost, and high complexity of forming.
3. Properties of environmentally friendly refractory materials
Environmentally friendly refractory materials have the following properties:
1. High refractoriness: Environmentally friendly refractory materials can maintain the stability of strength and shape in high temperature environments, and have good heat resistance.
2. Low thermal conductivity: Environmentally friendly refractory materials have the characteristics of low thermal conductivity, which can reduce energy consumption and improve energy utilization efficiency.
3. Good corrosion resistance: Environmentally friendly refractory materials can resist the corrosion of acid and alkali and other corrosive media, and extend the service life of materials.
4. Good thermal shock stability: Environmentally friendly refractory materials have good thermal shock stability, and can withstand the effects of rapid cooling and heating cycles at high temperatures.
4. Applications of environmentally friendly refractory materials
Environmentally friendly refractory materials have broad application prospects and play an important role in metallurgy, construction, chemical and other industries.
1. Metallurgical industry: Environmentally friendly refractory materials are used in the construction and lining of high temperature furnaces in the metallurgical industry, which can improve the service life and thermal performance of furnaces.
2. Construction industry: Environmentally friendly refractory materials are used in the firewalls, partitions and other parts of high-rise buildings in the construction industry, which can improve the fire performance of buildings.
3. Chemical industry: Environmentally friendly refractory materials are used for the lining of chemical equipment and the coating of pipelines in the chemical industry, which can protect equipment and pipelines from corrosion.
5. Conclusion
As a new type of material with environmental friendliness, environmentally friendly refractory materials have broad application prospects in the field of refractory. Through continuous research and innovation, the preparation methods and properties of environmentally friendly refractory materials will be further improved and optimized, making contributions to the development of environmental protection.
1. Zhang P. Research progress of environmentally friendly refractory materials. Environmental Science Guide, 2018(10):156-159.
2. Li M, Wang L. Review of preparation methods and properties of environmentally friendly refractory materials. Artificial Stone, 2019, 26(6):13-16.
3. Liu Y, Zhang J. Current situation and prospects of environmentally friendly refractory materials. Environmental Scientists, 2020, 8(5):33-37.
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