【答案】:A 6、The buyer complained、that the goods were ( ) before shipment. 、
【答案】:A 7、装运前检验不包括的内容是( )。
【答案】:A 8、Beneficiary是的指( )。
【答案】:B 9、当一个国家或地区在一定时期内的出口贸易总额大于进口贸易总额时,称为( )。
【答案】:A 10、my frienD tolD me that( ) English language is diffiCult is diffiCult English is diffiCult English is diffiCult 【答案】:A 11、根据《中华人民共和国进出口商品检验法》有关规定,法定检验进口商品的收货人或其代理人,应当向( )的检验检疫机构报检。
【答案】:B 24、The product was inspected and quarantined by the competent authority, in accordance ( )
【答案】:D 25、某跨国公司拟到北京参加展览会,需经天津口岸进口部分物品,物品清单如下。 A.①⑤⑥⑧ B.② C.⑤⑦ D.④⑤⑥ 【答案】:C 26、汉译英:“启运口岸”,正确的翻译( )。 of despatch of arrival of destination of origin 【答案】:A 27、The trade term CIF is the abbreviation for ( ). and Freight ,Insurance and Freight , Insurance and Fee , Inspection and Quarantine 【答案】:B 28、进境粮食由( )审批。