【答案】:D 7、Country of origin means the country ( ). sells the goods the goods are shipped buys the goods the goods are produced 【答案】:D 8、They ( ) until the bell rang on shout shouting ’t stop shouting ’t stop shout 【答案】:D 9、对由境外发货人责任造成残损短缺或品质等问题的法检货物,需要换货、退货或赔偿的,( )可作为通关免税或者退税的重要凭证
【答案】:D 26、We have pleasure in advising that a ( ) was established in your favour through Bank of Chin. credit
bill list 【答案】:A 27、杭州A厂以进料加工方式从韩国B公司采购了一批DVD( 检验检疫类别L. M/N),共510台,51000美元。货物从宁波口岸报关进口。A厂使用该批货物生产了500台带DVD的液晶电视机( 检验检疫类别L. M/N),货值150000美元,在工厂装1个40尺集装箱后,从上海口岸报关出口埃及。