【答案】:A 32、With Computer users linker to the internet growing ( ) every year,business is trying to Cash in on the worlD wide network. million a million one million million 【答案】:D 33、输入动物、动物产品、植物种子、种苗及其他繁殖材料,应在( )前办理检疫审批手续。
【答案】:A 34、“The goods are in nude. ’’ means ( ) 0 goods are packed with wooden box goods are packed with iron box basket is used for the goods package is used for the goods 【答案】:D 35、为了提高口岸通关效率,有效防范和打击逃漏检行为,方便合法进出,国家质检总局与海关总署实施了通关单联网核查制度,该制度开始全面实施的时间是( )。