( 备案)证书 【答案】:D 7、在国际贸易中,以下所列价格术语按卖方风险由低到高排列的是( )。 、DES、EXW 、EXW、FOB 、 、EXW、FCA 【答案】:C 8、Country of origin means the country ( ). sells the goods the goods are shipped buys the goods the goods are produced 【答案】:D 9、报检下列进口货物时,不需要提供《进境动植物检疫许可证》的是( )。
【答案】:D 13、The representative samples were ( )at random. drawn
【答案】:C 14、With Computer users linker to the internet growing ( ) every year,business is trying to Cash in on the worlD wide network. million a million one million million 【答案】:D 15、航行目的地是( )的出境船舶,船方在口岸检验检疫机构办理出境检疫手续时,应提供船上所有人员的黄热病预防接种证书。