该【金融专业英语词汇大全10金融英语 】是由【jia0277li】上传分享,文档一共【7】页,该文档可以免费在线阅读,需要了解更多关于【金融专业英语词汇大全10金融英语 】的内容,可以使用淘豆网的站内搜索功能,选择自己适合的文档,以下文字是截取该文章内的部分文字,如需要获得完整电子版,请下载此文档到您的设备,方便您编辑和打印。 : .
1. official short-term credit
2. offset reserve
3. on a discount basis
4. open account business = open account trade
5. open an account
6. open fair transaction tax !"
7. open market#!$
8. open market operation #!$%
9. open market policy#!$&'
10. open mortgage ()*+
11. open negotiation #,-
12. open outcry#./#0
13. open policy 1234
14. open position
15. open positions : <89 : .
17. opening order!B4
18. operating bank CDE
19. operating cash flow CFGHI
20. operating lease JCKL
21. operating leases MNKL
22. operating risk JCOP
23. operation account
24. option
25. option buyer
26. option fee =option premium or premium o
27. option purchase price
28. option seller
29. options on futures contract
30. ordinary bank \]DE
31. ordinary deposit \]^_ : .
32. ordinary time deposit \]`
33. our bankDE
34. out-of-the-money=abc7
35. output-capital ratiodef)g7hi
36. outright position 4j89
37. outward documentary bill for collection e < k4
38. outward remittance e_
39. over-loan position m_no
40. overnight call loan pq
41. overseas bank rsDE
42. overseas branches tsuE
43. oversold nU
44. over-the-counter$s7/TUvwx7/y]
45. over-the-counter (OTC) option $s!$
46. overvalued |z} : .
47. Pacific card ~
48. package policy 3P
49. painting the tape
50. pairing
51. parking
52. partial assignment u
53. parties to a collection
54. pawn
55. pay u p -,
56. payee or beneficiary_/_/
57. paying bank -_DE
58. paying bankE/-_E
59. payment facilities -%
60. payment of account 1-
61, payment of exchange
62. payment reserve - : .
63. payment risks -OP
64. payroll tax "
65. pegging¡`i
66, permanent capital ¢£¤)g
67. personal account ¥
68. personal deposit ¦^_
69. personal loans ¥m_
70. petty current deposit §o¨
71. petty insurance §o3P
72. place an order BW©ª4
73. plastic card «¬
74. Po card®
75. point of delivery ¯°±
76. policy of discount window ²<³´&'
77. political risk &µOP
78. poor for insuranceOP73P : .
79. popularity bank ¶·DE
80. position89©¸©¸
81. postz©¹º
82. postal remittance »&_
83. postal savings »&¼½
84. pre-credit risk m¾OP
85. predetermined 1¿2`7
86. premium
87. premium
88. premium for lease KL3Á
89. premium rate 3PVi
90. premium rates ÂÃi
91. premium tariff 3PViÄ
92. present discount value ÅGGc
93, presenting bank ÆÇDE
94. prevailing rate GEi : .
95. price discovery YÈG
96. primary insurance ÉgP
97. principal g
98. principal g
99. principal (= drawer,consignor)Ê
100. principal and interest gÀ
金融专业英语词汇大全10金融英语 来自淘豆网m.daumloan.com转载请标明出处.