该【金融专业英语词汇大全9金融英语 】是由【jia0277li】上传分享,文档一共【7】页,该文档可以免费在线阅读,需要了解更多关于【金融专业英语词汇大全9金融英语 】的内容,可以使用淘豆网的站内搜索功能,选择自己适合的文档,以下文字是截取该文章内的部分文字,如需要获得完整电子版,请下载此文档到您的设备,方便您编辑和打印。 : .
1. local income tax (local surtax)
2. local surtax
3. local tax
4. long arbitrage
5. long position
6. long position
7. long-term certificate of deposit !
8. long-term credit bank "#$%
9. long-term finance&'
10. loss leader()*+,-./
11. loss of profits insurance
12. loss on exchange
13. low-currency dumping 789
14. low-currency dumping 789
15. M/T (= Mail Transfer)" : .
16. main bank:;$%
17. maintenance margin<73=>?***@3=
18. major market index :;ABCD
19. management risk EFG4
20. managing bank of a syndicate HIJF$%
21. manipulation KL
22. margin3=
23. margin call3='M
24. margin callN3='M
25. margin moneyO03=>PQ"#=3=
26. margin rate 3=R
27. markdown S)
28. market discount rate ABTUR
29. market expectations ABO
30, market makers VAW
31. market order A)X! : .
32. market risk ABG4
33. marketability YZ[
34. market-clearing AB\]
35, Master card ^_`a
36. matching bc
37. mature liquid contracts de
38. maximum limit of overdraft fghi
39. measures for monetary ease jklm
40. medium rate noR
41. medium-term finance n
42. member bank pq$%
43. Million card r^a
44. minimum cash requirements <******@stuvwx
45. minimum reserve ratioyz<7{|}R
46. mint parityyz~)
47. monetary action lm : .
48. monetary aggregates Y'h
49. monetary and credit control "#EF
50. monetary and financial crisis
51. monetary area
52. monetary assets [&
53. monetary base
54. monetary circulation Y'
55. monetary device
56. monetary ease $Z
57. monetary market AB
58. monetary market AB
59. monetary risk G4
60. monetary stringency $
61. monetary unit !
62, money capital &
63. money coHectoi"0 : .
64. money credit "#
65. money down U
66. money equivalent )
67, money paid on account z
68. money-flow analysis Yt
69. money-over-money leases
70. moral hazard G4
71. mortgage bank $%
72. motor vehicle and highway user tax Zk #
73. movables all risks insurance Z¡34
74. movables insurance Z34
75. multinational bank ¢£$%
76. multiunit ¤¥
77. mutual insurance company ¦§34¨
78. national bank £©$% : .
79. nationalized bank £sª$%
80. near money {
81. nearby contracts «e
82. nearby futures «
83. nearby risks «G4
84. negotiability Y'[
85. negotiating bank ¬$%
86. nesting c
87. net settlement status\]®¯>\]
88. neutral money n°
89. neutrality of the central bank n±$%n²[
90. nominal account ³´µ¶
91. nominal deposit ³´
92. non-member bank ·pq$%
93, non-resident account ·¸¹
94. notional principal ³´ : .
95. notional sum ³´h
96. off-balance-sheet º»¼
97. offer rate½¾R
98. official borrowing ¿ÀÁ
99. official devaluation yzÂÃ
100. official rate (of exchange)Ä)
金融专业英语词汇大全9金融英语 来自淘豆网m.daumloan.com转载请标明出处.