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该【高中英语高三二轮复习:高考英语词汇3500第二周(第一部分)(附朗读、练习有答案) 】是由【cjc2202537】上传分享,文档一共【9】页,该文档可以免费在线阅读,需要了解更多关于【高中英语高三二轮复习:高考英语词汇3500第二周(第一部分)(附朗读、练习有答案) 】的内容,可以使用淘豆网的站内搜索功能,选择自己适合的文档,以下文字是截取该文章内的部分文字,如需要获得完整电子版,请下载此文档到您的设备,方便您编辑和打印。 : .



1. ant [sent] n.
Antarctic [aen'ta:kti k]a.
the Antarctic [aen 4 a :ktik]
Antarctica [aen'ta:ktika] * n .
antique [8en'ti:k] n .
anxiety [aeg'zaiQti] n .

anxious ['aegk^s] a . , 
any ['em ] pron.  ;     ;  !  "
anybody ['enibodi] pron.%
anyhow ['enihao] ad.'()*
anyone ['eniwAn] pron.%,&
anything ['eniQirj] pron.+, # $ + , "
anywa ['emwei]y ad.'()*
anywhere ['eniweafr] ad.-.
apart [a'pa:t] ad, / a ./ 0
/ 1 , 23
apartment [a'palmsnt] n . 4 56789
apologize [91 polsdsaiz] v i.< = ,>?
apology [a'poladsi] n.< = ; =@
apparent [s'paerant] 
appeal [a'pi:!] v .E F G F , HIJ
appear piar] v
appearance [a1 piarsns] n .K L ,M N "OP : .
appendix pendiks] S
appetite ['aepitait] W
applaud [9'plod] v. / [
apple ['aep8l] `
applicant ['aepliksnt] n .Ga%
application [aepli1 k e ij9n] n .Ga
apply [9'plai]
b point [appoint] v , c
e f
g ! h ; ,- i 
appointment [a'pointmsnt]
appreciate [Ip r ijie it ] v .l ^ "mn
appreciation [a p rij” e ijg n] ^
approach [91 prautj] n. / v .r s
t s u v
w x . y z { 
appropriate [91 prsopriat] a.|}
approve [8'pru:v] v.\€
approximately [sproksi 'mstli] † ,‡j
apron ['eipnn] n . ˆ‰Šˆ‹
arbitrary ['a :b itr9ri; US 1a:rbitreri] a.ŒŽW,‘’
arch [a:tj] n.“ ,“”
architect ['a:kitekt] •–
architecture ['a:kitektj*ar] •™,u•—˜,š›
April ['e ip r8l] n. 4 œ
Arab ['aerob] * a .žŸn .žŸ%
Arabic aerabik] a.žŸ¡n .žŸ¡
Arctic [!a:ktik] a.¢
the Arctic ['a :k tik ]¢
the Arctic Ocean [ 'a : k t ik / u jan ]¢£¤
are [a:r] v.be¥ : .
area ['earis] ¦ ;- § - . ¨ § © ª
argue ocgjujvi.¬ ­
argument ['a:gjumant] n .¬  ,­
arise arose, arisen [s'raizn] vi.® ¯ ,° ® ; KL
arithmetic [91 riOmatik] n.±²
arm [a:m] n.³
´ µ v .¶·¸¹
º¸®¯n . 4 º»
armchair [a:m1 tje9r] n.¼½¾
army [1a:mi] n,¿À
around [s'raund] ad.Áª; ÁRsprep.Á..  ª ;‡j
arrange [a1 re 1 nds] v .e f
arrangement [a' f ,ÄÅ
arrest [a'rest] v .Æ Ç
arrival [8'raiv9l] n .Ê ¯ , ÊË
2 .  !
1 . ÌÍÎÏÐÌÑÒJÓÔÕÖ× ability, assure 
2 .ØÙ'Ú'ÛÜØÙÝ-Þß%× abandon
3 . àáw¥ÎÙ!wÏâãä× above
4 . ÌÙÁˆ‰'åBæ× by accident
5 . çÎèÔ!éêaë ìÌmí× account
6 . Ìîïðw΁ñ+
òóØô’õ× be about to do
7 .ö÷Øøùúûü
ý¯Eþ× absent
8 .Õÿ"#$
9 .
10 .
!"#$%&'()*+,$-./0 1accustomed
3 .%
1. 23456789:; 1achieve : .
CDE across
52Qab$cd add
uvwxyz address
8F{|}~ adequate
9(€‚ƒ„…†‡ˆ‰Š‹K$ admit
10ŒŽD‘‰’“”F•– advice, appreciate
—˜™š›˜œžŸ +, advise
Tms¡¢£y$¤¥¦§ affair
assure you that I have the ability to solve the problem.
2. They had to abandon their lands to their enemies.
3. Above all, you can keep in contact with each other.
4. We met at the airport by Warning : .
5. Please take my feelings into account before you make any decision
6 .1 was about to ask you the same thing when I was interrupted by him.
7 .F ve heard that he was absent from work yesterday because he was in
low spirits.
8 . The scientist is absorbed in research all day, neglecting sleep and
the old society, people from poor families had little access to
lived abroad for ten years, he has been accustomed to the
climate there
3 .' (
1 .23456789:; (achieve )
She hoped to achieve her ambition to become a singer.
2 .=>?***@AB
CDE (across)
The bus stop is just across the street.
We must take action to prevent the spread of disease. (the disease from
4 . TUVWXYZ[\]6^_`.
This administration needs to adapt to more modern methods.
5 . 2Qab$cd
Her illness added to the family's troubles.
6 .(efghijklmnop
His whole school education added up to no more than one year.
7 . rstDeuvwxyz (address)
The president gave an address to all the staff.
8 . F{|}~ (adequate) : .
I didn' t make adequate preparation.
9 .(€‚ƒ„…†‡ˆ‰Š‹K$ ( admit)
He has been admitted to Fudan University in advance because of his
excellent grades.
10 .ŒŽD‘‰’“”,F•– (advice,© predate)
I would appreciate it if you can give advice on the arrangement of the
11 . FG—˜™š›˜œžŸ +,, (advise)
We strongly advise you to get rid of the bad habit of smoking.
12 .(G
Tms¡¢£y$¤¥¦§ (affair)
They played a shameful part in the whole affair.
 * + , -.  + , -/012
4 .*+,
1. energy under the earth must be released in one form or another,
for example, an earthquake.
B. GatheredC. Assembled D. Collect
2. The policeman stopped him when he was driving home
and him of speeding.
A. charged C. abused
3. According to the psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud, wisdom comes from
t h e of maturity.
A. C. establishment D. accomplished
4 .1 suggested he should himself to his new conditions.
C. regulateD. suit
5. He was not_to the club because he wasn't a member.
C. Warning : .
6. Giant pandas7Tuan Tuan and Yuan Yuan,offered by the Chinese
mainland, have _ their new home in Taipei Zoo
A. appealed to B. agreed to
7. The research can't be completed without__ funds.
. adaptableD. accountable
8. Mr. Smith gradually_ a knowledge of the subject.
A. Attained C.
9 Mr. Smith_ that he had made a mistake and that he had corrected it.
A. Accepted . promised
10. My camera can be___ to take pictures in cloudy or sunny conditions.
A. treated C.
11. Critics believe that the control of television by mass advertising
has the quality of the programs.
B. declined C. affected D. effected
12. The technological advances made it possible for the middle classes
to enjoy what ad once been only to the very rich.
B. measurable C. acceptable
5 .ª«¬­
afford, achieve, absolutely, accepted , alternatively, account.
l. He is a very honest official and never_ any gifts from the people who
sought his help
2. He is quite sure that it's_ impossible for him to fulfill the task within
two within two days.
3. Linda gave us a vivid__ of her trip to Mount Lu after her return.
4. If you don't make up your mind to overcome your bad habits,you
won't be able to_your goal : .
5. Only those who can to lose their money should make high
6. To spend the summer vacation, we may go to the mountains,
o r go to the seaside
4 .' (
1-5 ABBAB 6-10 DADBC 11-12 CD
5 .' (

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高中英语高三二轮复习:高考英语词汇3500第二周(第一部分)(附朗读、练习有答案) 来自淘豆网m.daumloan.com转载请标明出处.

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  • 页数9
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  • 顶次数0
  • 上传人cjc2202537
  • 文件大小2.19 MB
  • 时间2025-01-28