【答案】:A 15、“The goods are in nude. ’’ means ( ) 0 goods are packed with wooden box goods are packed with iron box basket is used for the goods package is used for the goods 【答案】:D 16、进境植物繁殖材料地方隔离圃审核机构为直属检验检疫局,对于准予许可,于( )个工作日内签发进境植物隔离检疫许可证。
【答案】:A 17、We refuse to ( )the commodity for its poor quality.
【答案】:B 31、汉译英:“合同;发票”,正确的翻译为( )。 ; insurance ; insurance ; invoico ; invoice 【答案】:D 32、Quality certificate is not effective without the signature of the ( ).
bank of L/C 【答案】:B 33、2005年实施的《出入境检验检疫机构实施检验检疫的进出境商品目录>中,商品的“海关监管条件”为“A”,表示须实施( )。