【答案】:D 3、在入境口岸报关,需调离到目的地检验检疫的货物,向入境口岸检验检疫机构申报,入境口岸检验检疫机构出具《入境货物通关单》四联单。货主或代理单位凭入境口岸检验检疫机构出具的《入境货物通关单》第( )联向海关办理报关手续,凭第( )联办理运递手续。 、二 、三 、三 、四 【答案】:A 4、The products described above have been subjected to ( ) treatment of at least SOTlfor 30 minutes.
【答案】:C 5、以下所列出口货物,报检时须提交包装容器使用鉴定结果单的是( )。
【答案】:D 6、All inspections are carried ( ) conscientiously to the best of our knowledge and、ability.
【答案】:C 24、With Computer users linker to the internet growing ( ) every year,business is trying to Cash in on the worlD wide network. million a million one million million 【答案】:D 25、法定检验检疫的入境货物应在检验检疫机构签发( )后,方可销售、使用。