该【新视界大学英语综合教程1第4单元答案 】是由【huanmouyo】上传分享,文档一共【64】页,该文档可以免费在线阅读,需要了解更多关于【新视界大学英语综合教程1第4单元答案 】的内容,可以使用淘豆网的站内搜索功能,选择自己适合的文档,以下文字是截取该文章内的部分文字,如需要获得完整电子版,请下载此文档到您的设备,方便您编辑和打印。Unit 4 Love, actually
Annual Work
Summary Report
2. Work in pairs and discuss the questions.
1) Which facts in the report do you find interesting?
◇ It’s amazing that men buy women’s magazines to learn about women!
◇ I laughed when I hear about the haircuts as I remember having one before a first date once.
◇ I was surprised people hide their CDs. If a guy doesn’t like the same music as me, I don’t think we can ever be together.
2) Do you think it offers any useful advice?
◇ No, it all seems pretty much common sense to me.
◇ Yes, I will remember to check out my boyfriend’s favourite teams in future.
3) Do you think Chinese people would behave in a different way?
I think the part about going home does not fit the Chinese situation. I think most local dating couples meet in public places.
4) How would you prepare for a first date?
Well, you want to look as attractive as possible so I understand the new clothes and haircuts. You also want to check your breath is nice and so on, but I would not do homework on my date. If conversation does not happen freely, I don’t think there is much future for the relationship.
Warming up
3. Look at the title of the passage and answer the questions.
I think it usually refers to a marriage between different nationalities or races. Age seems to worry people less and probably most married couples have different interests in part.
1) In your opinion, is a mixed marriage between people of different nationalities, races, ages or interests?
I think it is harder to make a mixed marriage work than an ordinary one as there is more room for misunderstanding, but if it can be made to work it must be very interesting.
2) In your opinion, are mixed marriages a good or a bad idea?
◇ Browse the passage within 8 minutes to get a rough idea about it.
◇Answer the questions of Activity 2 and 3 on page 71.
Activity 2: Check (✓) the true statements.
☐ 1 A US judge tried to prevent a white man and a black woman from marrying.
☐ 2 The judge left his job without changing his decision.
☐ 3 The event happened in the 1960s, during the time of Martin Luther King.
☐ 4 There have been race problems in the US for a long time.
☐ 5 The “one drop rule” is used by some people to define a black American.
☐ 6 Nobody believes that finding a job is the reason for mixed marriages.
☐ 7 Today’s generations have the same attitude to race as older generations.
☐ 8 Less than ten per cent of teenagers have a problem with mixed-race dating.
☐ 9 A Third Culture Kid has parents from different races.
☐10 Third Culture Kids are likely to marry someone from a different race or culture.
Activity 3: Answer the questions.
1 How did the judge explain his decision to refuse to marry the couple?
He claimed he was being kind. He said he was preventing mixed marriages because children from them suffered too much.
2 What does the writer mean by calling the US a “melting pot”?
It is a country with people from all over the world. They all enter America different but gradually become the same. They are mixed together to create a new sort of people and culture.
3 Which factors today are contributing to an increase in mixed marriages?
Greater acceptance of other cultures and races and a new understanding of the advantages of globalization.
4 What reasons are sometimes given to explain the reason for mixed marriages?
They are said to be caused by the desire of the immigrant partner to get a green card and the poorer partner to live in a richer country and improve their economic position.
5 What difficulties do people face getting married to someone from another race?
They may have different views and customs on many issues, especially the roles of women and men, follow different religions, speak different languages and suffer prejudice from the community around them.
6 How and why are people’s attitudes to mixed marriages changing?
More and more people change their views on mixed marriages because they see the benefits of globalization, the sharing of ideas, traditions, customs and attitudes on a personal and practical level.
7 What is the writer’s opinion about mixed marriages?
The writer sees them as the trend for the future and believes they can work well as they are based on love.
Now, when do you think this report was published? (Line 1, Para 2)
The writer wants to shock the reader (or make them feel it should shock them) that such dated and offensive attitudes are still alive.
Difficult sentences
Difficult sentences
2. Yet the “one drop rule” which says that … (Line 6, Para 5)
“One drop rule” laws against people of black African descent were complicated by the fact that there was a great deal of interracial mixing (sadly largely caused by white male rape of coloured women) and it was a difficult question as to who was “black” and who wasn’t. This was solved by the rule that if there was any African ancestor, the person is counted as “black”.
A green card is a permit to remain in the States and take a job. The writer is referring in part to “mail order brides” when a man in one country seeks a wife, via advertisement or an agency, from a country with economic problems. Clearly, the marriage is based on need rather than on love.
Difficult sentences
3. In certain political and social circles in the US, it’s believed that mixed-race couples marry in order for the immigrant partner to get a green card, to stay and work here. (Line 1, Para 6)
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