该【新起点大学英语精读教程3-Unit 】是由【tieruogong】上传分享,文档一共【24】页,该文档可以免费在线阅读,需要了解更多关于【新起点大学英语精读教程3-Unit 】的内容,可以使用淘豆网的站内搜索功能,选择自己适合的文档,以下文字是截取该文章内的部分文字,如需要获得完整电子版,请下载此文档到您的设备,方便您编辑和打印。New Start College English Intensive Reading 3
Unit One Marriage
Passage A: How to strengthen a marriage
Passage B: The Family
The illustration of love and marriage by Socrates
About love
One day Plato asked his teacher Socrates :
“what is love? ”
Socrates replied by asking him to go out to a
wheat-land and keep walking forward
without backtrack. On his way he should pick
up a best wheat-ear what must be the one
good-looking outside as well as plump inside
abide by the regulation of the only chance’s
The illustration of love and marriage by Socrates
About love
Plato took it for a very easy thing, he’s sure he
can fulfill that big task easy...
However, he didn’t return quick until it’s very
late. Furthermore, he didn’t bring back anything
with him but disappointment. He said: it’s not
that easy to find a good-looking one, or he
couldn’t be sure if it is the best one.
The illustration of love and marriage by Socrates
About love
He had no choice but to wait and wait with the
hope to find a best one. But, finally it appeared
before him that he had already went down the
end of the wheat-land.
Socrates told him: That’s love.
The illustration of love and marriage by Socrates
About marriage
On another day, Plato asked his teacher: what is
Again, Socrates answered him by asking him to go
out to a firry-woodlands and keep walking forward
without backtrack. This time he should take back a
tree what could be used for Christmas tree as well as the
best firry tree. The target had been changed but the
regulation was still one: the only chance.
The illustration of love and marriage by Socrates
About marriage
Plato had had last time’s experience, he
thought he would finish it very quick this time.
Confidently, he went out again.
Almost half a day passed, he come back with
completely exhaustion. The firry tree in his
hand looked like straight and green, but, its
leafage was not very nice.
The illustration of love and marriage by Socrates
About marriage
Socrates asked him: Is this one the best firry tree? Plato
answered: I didn’t know if this is the best one, I took it
home because it cost me lots of time, and I really felt
exhausted after this long-time’s search, furthermore, I
found my energy is not that enough and the time left me
very little.
Socrates told him: This is marriage.
Meaning Guess
Guess the real meanings of husband, wife and family.
II. Brainstorming
Meaning Guess
Guess the real meanings of husband, wife and family.
II. Brainstorming
H: A:
U: N:
S: D:
Meaning Guess
Guess the real meanings of husband, wife and family.
II. Brainstorming
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