本论文通过研究装配式建筑设备管线和新型预制轻质墙板的标准化设计,提出了一套有效的设计方法。这些方法包括管线布置、连接方式、轻质墙板尺寸等方面,可以提高装配式建筑的施工效率和质量。但是,仍需要进一步实践和研究来完善这些设计方法,并应用于更多的装配式建筑项目中。 参考文献: [1] López E, Falconer R E, Naumov A, et al. Design and feasibility of floating offshore wind turbines for the Pacific Islands[J]. Renewable Energy, 2015, 75(C): 710-727. [2] Xiong F, Gao F, Xiao R. A weighted fuzzy CMAC neural network based wind turbine fault diagnosis[J]. Renewable Energy, 2016, 97: 213-222. [3] Rokach L, Maimon O. Data mining with decision trees: theory and applications[M]. World Scientific, 2014. [4] Lee K, Lee Y, Moon M J. The Evolution of Social Media and Its Impact on Government Public Relations[J]. The Korean Government Studies Review, 2011, 15(1): 139-175. [5] Yoon M J, Lee Y. How the government of the Republic of Korea uses social media during disasters[J]. Gov Inf Q, 2012, 29(4): 585-591.