【答案】:B 16、汉译英:“星期二;星期四”,正确的翻译为( )。 ; Thursday ; Wednesday ; Wednesday ; Thursday 【答案】:A 17、Thanks for your order of December 7. Unfortunately the ordered goods are now ( ) stock and will not be available before the end of the year.
of 【答案】:D 18、出入境关系人应自检验检疫机构开具收费通知单之日起( )日内,交清全部检验检疫费。逾 期未交的,须按规定交纳滞纳金。
【答案】:C 19、( )出口食品,检验检疫机构不予受理报检。
【答案】:D 20、The trade term CIF is the abbreviation for ( ). and Freight ,Insurance and Freight , Insurance and Fee , Inspection and Quarantine 【答案】:B 21、我国最早应用HS编码制度部门是( )。