【答案】:B 28、Generally speaking, quality inspection is ( ) of visual inspection and interior inspection.
【答案】:A 29、Commodity inspection certifies whether the quality, quantity and the packing of the goods are in compliance ( )the contract requirements or not.
【答案】:B 32、According to the contract,transshipment is not ( ).
【答案】:B 33、汉译英:“重量;价值”,正确的翻译为( )。 ; valid ; value ; value ; valid 【答案】:C 34、The products described above have been subjected to ( ) treatment of at least SOTlfor 30 minutes.
【答案】:C 35、关于集装箱检验检疫,以下表述错误的是( )。
,须在装货前申请适我检验 、动植物产品的出入境集装箱,须实施动植物检疫 【答案】:B 36、We have pleasure in advising that a ( ) was established in your favour through Bank of Chin. credit
bill list 【答案】:A 37、根据有关法律法规规定,进口法定检验商品的收货人应在( )20日内向检验检疫机构申请 检验。