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该【2025年形容很开心词语(合集4篇) 】是由【wawa】上传分享,文档一共【15】页,该文档可以免费在线阅读,需要了解更多关于【2025年形容很开心词语(合集4篇) 】的内容,可以使用淘豆网的站内搜索功能,选择自己适合的文档,以下文字是截取该文章内的部分文字,如需要获得完整电子版,请下载此文档到您的设备,方便您编辑和打印。2025年形容很开心词语(合集4篇)
心花怒放:  怒放:盛开。心里高兴得象花儿盛开一样。形容极其高兴。
忽忽不乐:  忽忽:心中空虚恍惚的情态。形容若有所失而不高兴的样子。
怡情悦性:  怡:和悦愉快;悦:高兴,愉快。使心情舒畅愉快。
普天同庆:  天下的人或全国的人共同庆祝。
冁然而笑:  冁然:笑的样子。高兴地笑起来。
喜眉笑眼:  形容面带笑容、十分高兴的样子。
抑郁寡欢:  由于心情不舒畅而很少高兴的时候。
乐极生悲:  高兴到极点时,发生使人悲伤的事。
破涕为笑:  涕:眼泪。一下子停止了哭泣,露出笑容。形容转悲为喜。
喜不自胜:  胜:能承受。喜欢得控制不了自己。形容非常高兴。
欢欣若狂:  形容高兴到了极点。
喜笑颜开:  颜开:脸面舒开,指笑容。形容心里高兴,满面笑容。
悦目娱心:  使眼睛高兴,使心里快乐。形容使人感到美好快乐。
跃跃欲试:  形容心里急切地想试试。
近悦远来:  使近处的'人受到好处而高兴,远方的人闻风就会前来投奔。旧指当权者给人恩惠,以便笼络人心。
举国若狂:  全国的人都激动得像发狂一样。
皆大欢喜:  人人都高兴满意。
眼笑眉飞:  形容极度高兴。
幸灾乐祸:  幸:高兴。指人缺乏善意,在别人遇到灾祸时感到高兴。
口蜜腹剑:  形容两面派的狡猾阴险。
喜出望外:  望:希望,意料。由于没有想到的好事而非常高兴。
抚掌大笑:  抚:拍。拍手大笑。形容非常高兴。
开眉展眼:  高兴愉快的样子。
乐极悲生:  高兴到极点时,发生使人悲伤的事。
无尤无怨:  尤:怨恨。毫无怨恨。
人莫予毒:  莫:没有;予:我;毒:分割,危害。再也没有人怨恨我、伤害我了。形容劲敌被消灭后高兴的心情。
语言无味:  指说的话枯燥无味或庸俗无聊。
喜行于色:  高兴显现在脸上
闻过则喜:  过:过失、错误。听到别人批评自己的缺点或错误就高兴。指虚心接受意见。
利灾乐祸:  见到别人遭受灾祸反而高兴。
得意忘形:  形:形态。形容高兴得失去了常态。
眼开眉展:  形容极度高兴。
亲痛仇快:  做事不要使自己人痛心,使敌人高兴。指某种举坳只利于敌人,不利于自己。
笑逐颜开:  逐:驱使;颜:脸面。笑得使面容舒展开来。形容满脸笑容,十分高兴的样子。
谈笑风生:  有说有笑,兴致高。形容谈话谈得高兴而有风趣。
有备无患:  患:祸患,灾难。事先有准备,就可以避免祸患。
怡然自乐:  怡然:喜悦的样子。形容高兴而满足。
人杰地灵:  杰:杰出;灵:好。指有杰出的人降生或到过,其地也就成了名胜之区。
一悲一喜:  既悲伤又高兴。《平妖传》二回:“表公单单一身,不胜凄惨,且喜有了性命,又得了两件至宝,正所谓一悲一喜。”
额手称庆:  把手放在额上,表示庆幸。
欢天喜地:  形容非常高兴。
欢呼雀跃:  高兴得像麻雀那样跳跃起来。形容十分欢乐的情景。
宜嗔宜喜:  意思是不论生气,还是高兴,总是很美的。
哭丧着脸:  心里不愉快,脸上显出不高兴的样子。
塞翁失马:  塞:边界险要之处;翁:老头。比喻一时虽然受到损失,也许反而因此能得到好处。也指坏事在一定条件下可变为好事。
怡然自得:  怡然:安适愉快的样子。形容高兴而满足的样子。
眉开眼笑:  眉头舒展,眼含笑意。形容高兴愉快的样子。
大喜过望:  过:超过;望:希望。结果比原来希望的还好,因而感到特别高兴。
扬眉吐气:  扬起眉头,吐出怨气。形容摆脱了长期受压状态后高兴痛快的样子。
喜怒无常:  一会儿高兴,一会儿生气。形容态度多变。
欣欣向荣:  欣欣:形容草木生长旺盛;荣:茂盛。形容草木长得茂盛。比喻事业蓬勃发展,兴旺昌盛。
悲喜交集:  悲伤和喜悦的心情交织在一起。
如释重负:  释:放下;重负:重担子。象放下重担那样轻松。形容紧张心情过去以后的的轻松愉快。
汗流浃背:  浃:湿透。汗流得满背都是。形容非常恐惧或非常害怕。现也形容出汗很多,背上的衣服都湿透了。
打情骂俏:  情:风情;俏:俏皮、风趣。指男女调情。
大喜若狂:  高兴得几乎发狂
眉欢眼笑:  形容非常兴奋、高兴
惊喜交集:  交集:交错在一起。又吃惊,又高兴
一嚬一笑:  谓不高兴或喜悦的表情。嚬,皱眉。
同甘共苦:  甘:甜。共同享受幸福,共同担当艰苦。
眉花眼笑:  形容非常高兴、兴奋的样子
横眉吐气:  犹言扬眉吐气。形容摆脱了长期受压状态后高兴痛快的样子。
心悦诚服:  悦:愉快,高兴;诚:硬实。由衷地高兴,真心地服气。指真心地服气或服从。
枯木逢春:  枯干的树遇到了春天,又恢复了活力。比喻垂危的病人或事物重新获得生机。
惊喜欲狂:  既惊又喜,高兴得都要发疯了。形容喜出望外,过于兴奋的情壮。
欣喜若狂:  欣喜:快乐;若:好象;狂:失去控制。形容高兴到了极点。
千变万化:  形容变化极多。
酒酣耳热:  形容饮酒到高兴的时候。
一箭双雕:  原指射箭技术高超,一箭射中两只雕。后比喻做一件事达到两个目的。
小心翼翼:  翼翼:严肃谨慎。本是严肃恭敬的意思。现形容谨慎小心,一点不敢疏忽。
手舞足蹈:  蹈:顿足踏地。两手舞动,两只脚也跳了起来。形容高兴到了极点。也手乱舞、脚乱跳的狂态。
无精打彩:  形容不高兴,提不起劲儿。
畏首畏尾:  畏:怕,惧。前也怕,后也怕。比喻做事胆子小,顾虑多。
胡思乱想:  指没有根据,不切实际的瞎想。
乐嗟苦咄:  高兴时招唤,不高兴时责骂。形容对人态度恶劣。
含笑九泉:  九泉:地下深处,旧指人死之后埋葬的地方。也作:“黄泉”。在九泉之下满含笑容。
笑容可掬:  掬:双手捧取。形容笑容满面。
欢欣鼓舞:  欢欣:欣喜;鼓舞:振奋。形容高兴而振奋。
1)Smile is a magical key that opens the shackles of the mind. A good dose of medicine can remove the barriers between people. Smile is a person's virtue, it can make your sentiment be sublimated; A smile is an all-powerful attraction that brings together groups and nations and describes smiling sentences.
2)A smile is a bright beacon that guides you. A smile is a land in the desert that makes you see hope. Smile is a mentor who guides you forward. So, friends, no matter how gloomy the sky is, just set up a rainbow bridge in your heart and look at the world with optimism. Everything is beautiful.
3, smile is like a sweet spring water, let you know the taste of life. A smile is like a needle at a lost time. Smile is a great help in life.
4)Smiles make you brave to overcome difficulties; Smiling makes you stand up to everything. Smiling makes you walk with confidence. Smiles make you believe. Smiles make you never back down. A smile is your choice of courage. Smiling makes people with low self-esteem regain their self-confidence. Smiling is a confident person who is more confident. A smile makes a proud person look at himself.
5)The smile is the winter sunshine, the warm heart; Smile is a breeze in the noise, gently brush the dust of the soul; A smile is a lamp in the dark that makes the heart no longer dull.
6)The smile is the nectar that moistens the dry heart; Smile is the sunshine that illuminates every dark corner of the soul. The smile is the spring breeze, blowing the soul of each side of the land; Smile is green tea, purify every water of the mind.
7) Smiling is the most beautiful expression of human. A smile is the key to your heart. A smile is a bridge between people. A smile is an indispensable part of life. In order to build a more harmonious society, in order to make our life more beautiful, let us learn to smile and smile!
8)The smiling face is not painless, but they are good at making it into poetry; People who smile are not without tears, but they are good at turning their tears into the light of their hearts, shining on the way forward, the sentence “the sentences that describe smiles”.
9)The smile, from the heart, is neither a fool nor an adulation to the strong. A smile that comes with a smile is a fake smile, and the mask on the face doesn't last long. Once there is an opportunity, the mask of hypocrisy will be removed, showing the ugly face.
10)Learning needs a smile. After studying hard, mother a cup of milk, with a smile you drink, you mother also a smile, the mother will be very delighted, but you also with a glass of milk and the mother's smile more confident, more hard, hard to 11)learn. Give yourself a smile and hard work will be rewarded.
11)There is always a reason why I smile, whether or not the smile is ridiculed or not. Because a smile that is not easily perceived is also a smile, a smile that is magnified several times and a smile.
12. Smile like a spring breeze, a refreshing spring, a refreshing tonic, a soothing soothing pill.
13, the smile smooth and moisten each other's relations, eliminate each other's estrangement, cleared each other's scruples, enhanced each other's friendship!
14)If the setback is the thorn, the smile is the lily of gao jie; If the failure is the steep cliff, the smile is the flat sunshine. If the melancholy is the balding locust tree, the smile is the north and the lush Holly.
15)Life needs a smile. Seeing friends and relatives, smiling, encouraging the heart, enhancing friendship; To accept the help of a strange friend, to smile, will make both sides happy. Give yourself a smile and life will be better!

2025年形容很开心词语(合集4篇) 来自淘豆网m.daumloan.com转载请标明出处.

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  • 上传人wawa
  • 文件大小19 KB
  • 时间2025-01-29