该【三维超声探讨LUFS患者卵巢基础状态及卵泡期血流灌注的研究 】是由【niuww】上传分享,文档一共【2】页,该文档可以免费在线阅读,需要了解更多关于【三维超声探讨LUFS患者卵巢基础状态及卵泡期血流灌注的研究 】的内容,可以使用淘豆网的站内搜索功能,选择自己适合的文档,以下文字是截取该文章内的部分文字,如需要获得完整电子版,请下载此文档到您的设备,方便您编辑和打印。三维超声探讨LUFS患者卵巢基础状态及卵泡期血流灌注的研究 摘要: 背景:LUFS是指未筛查出其他生育障碍因素的不明原因不孕者。卵巢状态和卵泡期血流灌注是综合评估LUFS患者生育能力的重要指标。本文采用三维超声技术探讨LUFS患者的卵巢基础状态及卵泡期血流灌注的情况。 方法:收集40例LUFS患者的临床资料,在排卵期用三维超声仪进行检查。测量卵泡大小,计算卵泡指数,评估双侧卵巢的基础状态及卵泡期血流灌注情况。 结果:±,-。其中,24例(60%)双侧卵巢均有卵泡生成,14例(35%)单侧有卵泡生成,2例(5%)双侧无卵泡生成。血流灌注检查显示,20例(50%)双侧卵巢血流灌注正常,20例(50%)双侧卵巢血流灌注异常。 结论:LUFS患者卵泡生成和血流灌注异常率较高,提示胚胎植入困难或早期流产的风险增加,应重视LUFS患者的生育能力评估和治疗。 关键词:LUFS;三维超声;卵巢基础状态;卵泡期血流灌注 Abstract: Background: LUFS refers to unexplained infertility in patients who have not been screened for other reproductive disorders. Ovarian status and blood flow in the follicular phase are important indicators for assessing the fertility of LUFS patients. This paper explores the basic ovarian status and blood flow in the follicular phase of LUFS patients using three-dimensional ultrasound technology. Methods: Clinical data of 40 LUFS patients were collected, and they were examined using a three-dimensional ultrasound device during the ovulatory phase. Ovarian follicle size was measured, the ovarian follicle index was calculated, and the basic ovarian status and blood flow of both ovaries were evaluated. Results: The mean ovarian follicle index of the 40 LUFS patients was ±, with a follicle size range of -. Among them, 24 cases (60%) had follicle generation on both sides, 14 cases (35%) had follicle generation on one side, and 2 cases (5%) had no follicle generation on both sides. Blood flow examination showed that 20 cases (50%) had normal blood flow in both ovaries, and 20 cases (50%) had abnormal blood flow in both ovaries. Conclusion: The rate of abnormal follicular generation and blood flow in LUFS patients is high, which indicates an increased risk of embryo implantation difficulties or early miscarriage, and suggests that LUFS patients' fertility assessment and treatment should be taken seriously. Keywords: LUFS; three-dimensional ultrasound; basic ovarian status; blood flow in the follicular phase.