该【两种类型同伴互评对中国大学生英语写作的影响实证研究 】是由【niuwk】上传分享,文档一共【2】页,该文档可以免费在线阅读,需要了解更多关于【两种类型同伴互评对中国大学生英语写作的影响实证研究 】的内容,可以使用淘豆网的站内搜索功能,选择自己适合的文档,以下文字是截取该文章内的部分文字,如需要获得完整电子版,请下载此文档到您的设备,方便您编辑和打印。两种类型同伴互评对中国大学生英语写作的影响实证研究 Introduction Peer assessment is a widely recognized method of evaluating student performance that is facilitated by peer feedback and can improve academic skills in a variety of subjects. This research aims to investigate the influence of two types of peer assessment on the writing skills of Chinese university students learning English. Students in Chinese universities typically have difficulty with spoken and written English, and peer assessment can be an effective method to improve writing skills. The two types of peer assessment used in this study are summative and formative, and the research aims to show which method contributes more to English writing ability. Literature review Peer assessment has proven to be a pedagogical tool that can help students develop a variety of academic skills. One major benefit of peer assessment is that it enhances students’ critical thinking skills through the reviewing and analyzing of peer work. According to Hadwin and Oshige (2011), peer assessment requires students to evaluate other students’ work based on their own learning outcomes which can improve students' metacognitive skills. Formative assessment has also been associated with improved academic performance. Black and Wiliam (1998) found that formative assessment could improve student academic achievement, particularly in the areas of writing skills. Summative assessment, on the other hand, typically evaluates the final achievement of students at the end of a course. However, while both summative and formative assessment methods can have positive benefits on student performance, the extent to which they impact a student's writing ability remains unclear. Thus, the study aims to explore the effect of these two methods on English writing ability among Chinese university students. Methodology The present study uses a quantitative research design to investigate the impact of two types of peer assessment on the writing ability of Chinese university students learning English. The study was conducted with 60 undergraduate students enrolled in an elementary English writing course in a Chinese university. The participants were randomly assigned to two groups: one group conducted summative peer assessment, and the other group conducted formative peer assessment. For the summative assessment, each student completed an English writing assignment, which was reviewed and graded by a peer. In the formative assessment group, the students were also required to submit an English writing assignment, which was reviewed and provided with feedback and recommendations for improvement by their peers. After each stage, the participants were given a post-test on their writing skills to evaluate their progress. The data collected through the post-tests were analyzed using the Independent Sample t-test. Results The research findings indicate that both summative and formative peer assessment models had a significant impact on the writing ability of Chinese university students. However, the group using formative assessment had a significantly greater improvement in their writing skills (t (58) = –, p < ). Conclusion The study suggests that both summative and formative assessments can improve the writing skills of Chinese university students learning English. However, the results demonstrate that formative assessment had a more significant positive impact on students' writing skills than summative assessment. Future studies might investigate the effect of different types of formative assessment methods more deeply with advanced analytical techniques to better understand the impact of these methods on writing development of Chinese university students.