该【互动韵律:英语多人冲突性话语中说话人的首音模式研究综述报告 】是由【wz_198613】上传分享,文档一共【2】页,该文档可以免费在线阅读,需要了解更多关于【互动韵律:英语多人冲突性话语中说话人的首音模式研究综述报告 】的内容,可以使用淘豆网的站内搜索功能,选择自己适合的文档,以下文字是截取该文章内的部分文字,如需要获得完整电子版,请下载此文档到您的设备,方便您编辑和打印。互动韵律:英语多人冲突性话语中说话人的首音模式研究综述报告
Title: A Review of the Study on the Interactive Phonological Patterns of English Multi-party Conflictual Discourse
Conflictual discourse is an inherent aspect of human communication, and the phonological patterns used by speakers in such interactions have been the subject of several studies. This review aims to provide an overview of research on the interactive phonological patterns in English multi-party conflictual discourse. By examining the first sound patterns used by speakers in such conversations, we can gain a deeper understanding of the dynamics and strategies employed during conflictual interactions.
1. Theoretical framework:
The study of interactive phonological patterns in conflictual discourse is grounded in various theoretical frameworks. These include Speech Act Theory, Politeness Theory, and Conversation Analysis. These frameworks provide a foundation for analyzing how speech sounds are utilized to convey intentions, negotiate power, and maintain social relationships during conflicts.
2. Linguistic features:
A. Volume and pitch: A high-volume and exaggerated pitch are often used by speakers to assert dominance and underscore their point of view. Conversely, softer volume and lower pitch may be employed to convey submissiveness, hesitation, or an attempt to defuse tension.
B. Rhythm and tempo: Fast-paced speech with a staccato rhythm may indicate impatience, frustration, or aggression. Alternatively, a slower tempo and more fluid rhythm may signal a diplomatic approach to conflict resolution.
C. Pronunciation and emphasis: Speakers may alter their pronunciation or syllable stress to express intensity or forcefulness. Emphasis on specific words or sounds can highlight disagreements or draw attention to certain points.
3. Intonation patterns:
A. Rising intonation: A rising or questioning intonation can signal disagreement, challenge, or the presentation of an alternative viewpoint.
B. Falling intonation: A falling intonation can convey finality, authority, or an emphatic statement of opinion.
C. Intonation contours: The rise-fall or fall-rise patterns can be employed to express negotiation, compromise, or an attempt to find common ground.
4. Non-verbal cues:
In addition to phonological patterns, non-verbal cues such as facial expressions, gestures, and body language play crucial roles in conveying conflictual messages. These cues can reinforce or contradict the phonological patterns used, amplifying or mitigating the conflictual discourse.
5. Cultural and individual variations:
It is important to acknowledge that the interactive phonological patterns used in conflictual discourse can vary across cultures and individuals. Cultural norms, social hierarchies, and personal communication styles all contribute to the complex dynamics of conflict resolution.
This review provides an overview of the research on the interactive phonological patterns used in English multi-party conflictual discourse. By analyzing volume, pitch, rhythm, intonation, and non-verbal cues, researchers can gain insight into the strategies employed by speakers during conflicts. It is essential to consider cultural and individual variations while studying these patterns to understand the nuanced nature of conflict resolution. Future research can delve deeper into the interplay between phonological patterns and other linguistic and contextual factors, contributing to a more comprehensive understanding of conflictual communication in various settings.
互动韵律:英语多人冲突性话语中说话人的首音模式研究综述报告 来自淘豆网m.daumloan.com转载请标明出处.