%缴纳检验检疫费 %缴纳检验检疫费 %缴纳检验检疫费 【答案】:D 3、my frienD tolD me that( ) English language is diffiCult is diffiCult English is diffiCult English is diffiCult 【答案】:A 4、需隔离检疫的出境动物应在出境前( )天预报,隔离前7天报检。
【答案】:B 5、关于强制性产品认证,以下表述错误的是( )。 “中国强制认证” B.“中国强制认证”的英文缩写为“CCC” ,无需加施认证标志即可销售使用 ,应当注销认证证书 【答案】:C 6、The products were processed, packed,stowed and transported ( )the food hygienic require-ments.
【答案】:B 15、英译汉:“cargo; cash",正确的翻译为( )。 ;现金 ;费用 ;现金 ;费用 【答案】:A 16、Thanks for your order of December 7. Unfortunately the ordered goods are now ( ) stock and will not be available before the end of the year.
of 【答案】:D 17、People greatly differ ( ) their view of life
,须在装货前申请适我检验 、动植物产品的出入境集装箱,须实施动植物检疫 【答案】:B 26、英译汉:“sample; stamp”,正确的翻译为( )。 ;印章 ;标准 ;印章 ;标准 【答案】:C 27、The products described above have been subjected to ( ) treatment of at least SOTlfor 30 minutes.