【答案】:B 9、汉译英:“数量证书”,正确的翻译为( )。 of Weight of Quarantine of Inspection of Quantity 【答案】:D 10、The goods comply ( ) the specifications of the sales confirmation.
【答案】:B 11、汉译英:“装运港;卸货港”,正确的翻译为( )。 of transfer ; port of discharge of loading ; port of discharge of transfer ; port of destination of loading ; port of desdnafion 【答案】:B 12、报检单上的“报检人郑重声明” 一栏应由( )签名。
【答案】:D 13、This lot of products was derived、from animals slaughtered in a slanghter house which is ( ) licensed for export.
【答案】:A 28、英译汉“Cargo; cash; charge”,正确的翻译为( )。 ;现金;费用 ;费用;货物 ;费用;现金 ;货物;现金 【答案】:A 29、If you donf apply the certificate of quality in time, we will not ( ) The L/C again.