【答案】:D 13、山西星运肉类加工厂与新西兰诺顿肉类联合制造厂签订合同进口一批冷冻鹿肉( 检验检疫类别为P. R/Q. S),海运集装箱运输,入境口岸为青岛。货物拟进入青岛保税区并由青岛保税区食品加工厂进行加工,然后再由汽车运输至山西太原。对该批货物,有关单位巳按规定办理了检疫审批手续,货到口岸后,委托青岛月光报检公司负责报检。 ;太原 ;青岛 ;青岛 ;太原 【答案】:C 14、Your shipment of goods has been found short ( ) weight by CIQ.
【答案】:D 17、“The goods are in nude. ’’ means ( ) 0 goods are packed with wooden box goods are packed with iron box basket is used for the goods package is used for the goods 【答案】:D 18、以下所列货物,第一标准计量单位为“千克”的是( )。
【答案】:C 19、进口以下货物,须到检验检疫机构办理检疫审批手续的是( )。
【答案】:B 20、( )package will result in the damage t( ) t He goods during the long-- distance transportation.