【答案】:A 11、我国法律规定,受入境检疫的船舶必须按照规定悬挂检疫信号等候查验,夜间悬挂红灯三盏表示( )。 ,请发给入境检疫证 ,请即刻实施检疫 ,请即刻实施检疫 ,请采取隔离措施 【答案】:A 12、( )package will result in the damage t( ) t He goods during the long-- distance transportation.
【答案】:C 34、英译汉:“Iran; United Kingdom”,正确的翻译为:( )。 ;英国 ;美国 ;美国 ;英国 【答案】:A 35、This lot of products was derived、from animals slaughtered in a slanghter house which is ( ) licensed for export.
【答案】:D 36、输入( )的检疫审批,由植物检疫条例规定的机关负责。 、种苗及其他繁殖材料
、种苗 【答案】:A 37、We have to ask you to ( ) the time of shipment in you L/C No. 234 from 7 June tol5 June.