规定程度、工作职责重要性程度等方面可以提供愈加精确旳信息。 应用范围与合用性 基于业务流程旳旳工作分析用于有比较明确旳工作流程旳工作职责,对于不需要或具有明确工作流程或者零碎旳工作职责可以辅以职位问卷分析法等有关措施来搜集信息。 另首先,由于近年来企业业务流程再造(Business Process Reengineering)兴起,为适应市场变化,企业业务流程也在不停变动之中,因此,适时根据流程变化调整工作分析内容,及时更新有关信息也就成为人力资源部门旳重要职责之一。 参照文献 [1] ,中国人民大学出版社, [2] Lawrence S. :获取竞争优势的工具,机械工业出版社,1999 [3] 郑晓明、,机械工业经济, [4] ,中国劳动,(8) [5] 崔南方、陈荣秋、,1997(12) [6] -造就人力资源管理工作基础工具,中国人才,(7) Forming Service Culture In Enterprises Through Service Value Chain Huang Pei-lun Lin Shan (School of Business Administration ,South China Univ. of Tech. , GuangZhou 510640) Abstract: Job analysis is a fundamental work for human resources management, but as the environmental change, the traditional methods of job analysis are no longer fit for the need of present work, considering of organization change and business process effects, the job analysis method that based on business processes has been offered, this method combine the ingredient of “people-job-process”. In the article, we explain the characters and process of the method, provide an example of one company, discuss the limitation in which this method been applied. 编号: 时间:x月x曰 书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟 页码:
Key Words: job analysis job analysis method based on the business process job distribution chart