追氮时期对小麦籽粒蛋白品质空间分布具有重要影响,并通过调控氮素的吸收、转运和利用、蛋白质合成和分解、淀粉沉积和碳氮平衡等生理机制实现。研究对于优化小麦籽粒蛋白品质空间分布、提高小麦品质和粮食安全具有重要意义。未来的研究可以进一步探索追氮时期对小麦籽粒蛋白品质空间分布的影响机制,并结合遗传改良和栽培管理等方面,提出相应的措施和策略,以实现小麦品质的优化和产量的提高。 参考文献: 1. Brooks A, et al. Effects of nitrogen supply on grain composition in high-yielding winter wheat. Journal of Agricultural Science. 2009, 147(6): 607-622. 2. Nguyen G, et al. Nitrogen management strategies to improve the nutritional value and quality of wheat grain. Journal of Cereal Science. 2017, 73: 144-152. 3. Sansone A, et al. An integrated elemental and proteomic approach to define nitrogen metabolism in grain of durum wheat. Frontiers in Plant Science. 2020, 11: 553. 4. Zhang B, et al. Effects of nitrogen fertilizer on seed protein content and composition in winter wheat. Crop Science. 2014, 54(6): 2823-2831.