【答案】:A 11、A[N,N]是对称矩阵,将下三角(包括对角线)以行序存储到一维数组T[N(N+l)/2]q中,则对任一上三角元素A[i][j]对应T[k]的下标k是( )。 (1-1)/2+j (j-1)/2+i (j-i)/2+1 (1-1)/2+1 【答案】:B 12、BGP runs over a reliable transport ( ). This eliminates the need to implement explicit update fragmentation, retransmission, acknowledgement, and (请作答此空). Any authentication scheme used by the transport protocol may be used in addition to BGP's own ( )mechanisms. The error notification mechanism used in BGP ( )that the transport protocol supports a “graceful” close, ., that all outstanding data will be delivered ( )the connection is closed.