其实,现在做考研阅读慢没有关系。因为几乎没有哪一个人一开始就做的很快,而且对于考研阅读最重要的是精读细读,而不是一味的追求速度。 现在速度慢,正确率不高这是很正常的。想我刚开始做英语阅读真题的时候,有时候读完了,最后竟然全错了,当时的我和你一样有种想死的感觉,但又没有办法。调整了下心态又继续奋战了,一直坚持到现在,现在速度也提高了,基本上是20多分钟,而且正确率也提高了,基本是3到4个。而且据专家分析,考研阅读的时间最好是 18~20分钟,所以不要太追求速度,我觉得20分钟就好了,呵呵! 所以对于真题要反复研究,尤其是阅读,对于文中的'疑难句、不认识的单词,文中经典的句型,出题思路都要研究。这样一直研究下去,知道看到考研真题,就有一种亲切感,习惯这样的出题思路,这样我想最后肯定会成功的,会达到自己想的高度的,我一直坚信这点。虽然这可能难以达到,但再难也要这么做!!! 篇2:考研英语阅读备考指南 考研英语中阅读部分是重头戏,阅读理解是考研英语中分值最大的一项,所以有“得阅读者得天下”之说,但是很多同学可能会遇到觉得文章读懂了却做错题的情况。那么针对这种情况,对于考研学子,阅读要早规划,下面我们介绍一下阅读的备考指南: 一、了解考研英语阅读文章的特点 1. 了解考研英语阅读的来源,有针对性的复习阅读 六大期刊来源: The Economist Time Scientific American Harvard Business Review Business Week Newsweek 2. 体裁: 议论文;说明文 3. 题材:社会生活;商业经济;文化教育;科普知识 二、准备词汇,基础较差的考生更要提前做准备,寒假到暑假词汇要记忆三至五遍, 三、寻找阅读语料,三月份开始阅读,针对考研阅读真题的来源,我们从期刊上选出阅读语料进行阅读学习以便巩固词汇及提高语感,也可以买本阶梯阅读类的书。 不要为了考试才去读,对于准备时间比较充分的朋友,应该早早就开始逼迫自己每天花十到十五分钟去读一些英语文章,特别是要选一些略带有专业性质的文章,这样可以增加自己的知识面和敏感度,这个工作坚持一两个月后,对加强自己的语感和猜测能力是很有帮助的, 备考资料 四、提高阅读速度,首先要逼迫自己有选择地读不同专业不同内容的英语文章,从平时开始,在做题以外的时候自然地去读。当你自然地理解了一篇东西,哪怕是猜测到一些大意,这个速度比硬梆梆地去啃是快很多的。 五、研究真题阅读,包括分析考研真题阅读题型及阅读中的长难句。考试意义上的阅读理解是一种定向理解,即要求考生在阅读短文后回答命题人设计的理解题,与考题无关的内容则可以不理解。站在命题人角度去分析阅读理解题题型,并掌握不同题型的特点及答题要求。阅读理解题型大致可以归纳为以下五类:事实细节题,推理判断题,观点态度题,主旨大意题和语义理解题。 六、精心选择模拟题,时间充裕的话,12月底可以做一套权威性的模拟题,以便查漏补缺。 本人根据自己对考研真题阅读多年分析的经验总结了阅读题的备考指南,学生通过此方法的学习及练习后,均能达到可观的分数,在此拿出来与大家分享,希望广大学员早点开始备考,认真学习,耐心练习。最后老师恭祝您快乐学习,顺利通过考研! 篇3:考研英语备考 考研英语备考:打好基础最重要 考研英语是靠长期积累才见成效的学科,因此大家在复习过程中,一定要注重对于基础部分的巩固和跟进。俗话说基础不牢,地动山摇。考研英语的基础无谓乎是词汇和语法两大部分内容的背诵和学习。 词汇 建议大家将词汇的学习贯穿到考研复单词,但是这里仍然要提一下学习词汇的注意事项。因为,考研英语复习与此前的学习最大的不同是,计划和实施完全要依靠个人督促和跟进。这就要求我们在最短的时间里制定出最有效的学习计划,并且掌握最有效的学忆方法可以灵活多样,词缀法,联想法等,只要有利于记忆的都可以用。但务必要确保每个单词有意识复习三遍以上。然后通过做往年试题来随机复习,查漏补缺。词汇复习尽量利用自己的零散时间,要降低一次背诵的期望值,重复是解决遗忘的最好办法。另外单独背单词和背诵经典文章可以相结合,在语境中进一步体会单词含义,也为下一步提高阅读速度和写好文章打下基础。大家可以到相关网站下载一个电子版的词汇大纲,删掉自己熟悉的词汇、短语,然后打印剩下的内容,做成单词卡片(A4的纸裁成4张,每张14个单词)带在身上,随时随地进行复习,几分钟就能复习一张单词卡。 语法 语法是很多同学的弱项环节,尤其是对长难句结构的划分。句子成分划分不准确,直接会影响对整个句子的理解。而长难句通常是阅读理解中设题的关键之处。因此同学在前期准备阶段,尽量巩固语法知识,对考研涉及到的重要语法点做到耳熟于胸。此外,我们可以找来英汉互译的权威读物,扣上英文,按照中文的意思去译为英文,然后比较、分析。也可以抽出真题中的阅读理解或其他题型中的英文训练翻译成中文。然后,对照真题详析类的资料进行修改。不过,无论何种方式,对于当时错误中显现出的知识点,一定要事后彻底弄懂。 阅读 此外,大家要明白一点,背单词,学语法最主要的目的是为了看的懂文章,做的对题目。因此,大家可以同步得看一些题源文章,这里给大家推荐比如《发现》、《时代周刊》、《探索》、《经济学家》、《新闻周刊》等专业型极高的刊评。如果能够坚持看这些期刊,对于考研英语阅读水平确有非常大的帮助。 至于其它专项,明年六月份之后,大家可以通过系统地作真题,掌握相关做题方法来搞定。成功一定会降临给那些有准备的人,希望备考考研的小伙伴们从现在开始马上有行动。 篇4:考研英语备考阅读理解练习题 IF YOU'RE CONFUSED BY ALL the news about the health effects of eating fish, you're not alone. On one hand, the omega-3 fatty acids in fish are known to reduce the risk of heart disease, as the American Heart Association reminded us two weeks ago when it restated its recommendation that everybody eat at least two fish servings a week. On the other hand, fish that feed in contaminated waterways contain high levels of mercury, which can lead to cognitive problems in developing brains. That's why pregnant women and nursing mothers are advised to limit their consumption. As if that weren't confusing enough, two new studies published last week in the New England Journal of Medicine investigated the possible effects of mercury on the heart, and they seem to have reached contradictory conclusions. One found no clear link between mercury levels and heart disease; the other found that men with high levels of mercury in their toenails were more likely to suffer a heart attack than those with low levels. What are we to make of this? The first thing to remember is that this is how science proceeds, by fits and starts and seemingly contradictory results that get resolved only by further study. The second is that not all fish are created equal. Compared with all the other things you might eat, fish are an excellent source of protein. They tend to eat algae as part of their natural life cycle, converting it into omega-3 fatty acids that can improve your cholesterol profile. But it's also true that our waterways have become increasingly contaminated with all sorts of pollutants, including mercury, and that these pollutants tend to accumulate at different levels in different species. The fish most at risk are predators high in the pelagic food chain, such as swordfish and sharks (see chart)。 It was to test the effects of mercury on the heart that the two new studies compared the mercury levels in clippings from toenails, where heavy metals tend to be deposited. In one study, researchers led by Dr. Eliseo Guallar at Johns Hopkins found that European and Israeli men with the highest mercury levels were nearly times as likely to have a heart attack as those with the lowest levels. The other study, led by Dr. Walter Willett at the Harvard School of Public Health, looked at a selection of American men and found no connection between mercury exposure and risk of heart disease, although Willett told me a “weak association” cannot be ruled out. For most of us, eating two servings of fish a week should not pose any problems. Guallar, who hails from coastal Spain, continues to flavor his paella with salmon, which has negligible mercury levels. Willett eats swordfish only about twice a month――because of its expense, not any fear of mercury. Fish-oil supplements are high in omega3 fatty acids and probably don't contain as much mercury as whole fish. But they don't taste nearly as good. 1. In the opening paragraph, the author introduces his topic by [A]making a comparison [B]justifying an assumption [C]posing a contrast [D]explaining a phenomenon 2. The phrase “by fits and starts”(Line 6, Paragraph 2) most probably means _______. [A]something happens smoothly [B]something keeps starting and then stopping again [C]something deserves a lot of effort [D]something is troublesome 3. Clippings from toenails were chosen for the research most probably because _______. [A]they are more likely to contain mercury [B]they influence a person‘s heart [C]they can be easily obtained [D]they are connected with the heart 4. The views of Dr. Eliseo Guallar and Dr. Walter Willett are ______. [A]identical [B]similar [C]opposite