Abstract The design of the main work is the integration of teaching equipment, electromechanical control systems design, As teaching equipment is the vertical machining center areas, herefore, the current design of the processing center, the design method and steps to design the main line, including the control system design, System software and hardware choices, the system debugging content. Design configuration is as follows : Information management and control of the company by the United States Deltatau the PMAC (programmable multi-axis motion controller, Model for PMAC2A - PC104), completed; Driver components for Japan's Fuji servo actuator (200W), the executing agency is supporting its motor; Ontology machinery for a two-dimensional X-Y platforms, Industrial Application is the most typical one of the control object; Feedback detection components for grating feet. Keyword: PMAC sport controls card; The system controls wreath; Examine a component; Light grid Chinese foot 编号: 时间:x月x曰 书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟 页码: