关键词:口腔炎口腔溃疡思密达利多卡因 Abstract: The observation thinks of the meter - Lidocaine suspension to treat the young child stomatitis and the oral cavity ulcer curative effect. Method: 152 example young child stomatitis and the oral cavity ulcer patient enter the treatment group and the control group along atitis spray solution to the trouble place; The treatment group thinks of meter - Lidocaine suspension Tu Yuhuan place. Finally: Are more obvious than the reduction treatment group stomatitis and the oral cavity ulcer cicatrization and the feed improvement to the normal time the control group. Conclusion: Thinks of the meter - Lidocaine suspension to treat the young child stomatitis and oral cavity ulcer the cicatrization provement feed situation gets sick to illness has certain curative effect. Key atitis oral cavity ulcer thinks of meter Lidocaine 前言 小儿口腔炎及口腔溃疡是儿科门诊及口腔门诊最常见疾病之一,它是由多种病原及因素引起。患儿多因疼痛而哭闹不安和拒绝进食。由于进食减少,导致营养缺乏,全身症状加剧。我们用思密达—利多卡因混悬液局部涂抹治疗小儿口腔炎及口腔溃疡在促进粘膜愈合和、改善进食方面有明显疗效,现报告如下。 临床资料 1 对象和方法 对象 2006年以来就诊的患者152例。其中男89例,女63例。年龄6个月~3岁,。其中对照组76人,其中男37人,女39 人,。治疗组76人,其中男40人,女36 人平均2岁。 ,呈红绒状,舌面或舌背部、口腔黏膜或咽峡部散在溃疡。急性球菌性口腔炎及口腔溃疡4