GIVEN the many mistakes that human investors are prone to---sellingafter a market tumble, trading too often, believing they can beat the stockmarket--- dealing with money is perhaps best left puters.
词汇突破:1. o
记住这个词的搭配:o do sth/ prone to sth;
Working without abreak makes you more prone to error.
Tired drivers werefound to be particularly prone to ignore warning signs.
排生:proneness to depression 易消沉倾向
2. a market tumble 市场暴跌;(关注公众号:liuyinanlaoshi,中忆第一人,让他来讲tumble)
3. beat the stockmarket 跑赢股市
4. trading toooften 频繁交易
5. GIVEN + 名词(考虑到…) 这句话是一篇文章的开始,很多杂志习惯于用全单词全大写来开始一篇文章。
主干识别:dealingwith money is perhaps best left puters.
GIVEN the many mistakes( that humaninvestors are prone to: mistakes的定语从句)
--- after a market tumble, trading too often,
theycan beat the stock market--
二、The pampered and the paupers
国外的文章中很喜欢用这种押韵的词组;尤其是经济学人,他们会认为这是一种有文化的表现,一种对语言有驾驭能力的表现;比如:boss and board; boom and doom; work and wedlock; rats and debts; 这些表达很多时候都需要放在具体的语境下理解,你会觉得很贴切。
比如:work and wedlock
这是经济学人的Special report: The young中谈到在非洲:
Young, single, idle males are dangerous.
Work and wedlock can tame them.
再比如:rats and debts
这是经济学人描写Detroit (底特律)的公立学校状况;老鼠出没,负债累累;差的也是没sei了,很形象吧。
The rise and rise of the self-service business raises two worries in particular. The first is for society as a whole. Consumers are being ever more clearly divided into a “cattle class”, herded into the back of cabin and offered precious little service, and a pampered “business class”, for whom no amount of fawning is too much. Not only might this intensify resentment of the haves by the have-nots; it also robs the ha
英语每日一句 来自淘豆网m.daumloan.com转载请标明出处.