第 23 卷第 1 期
2 0 0 1 年 1 月
VOL. 23 NO. 1
( Philos op hy a nd Social Scie nce Edit ion) J AN . 2 0 0 1
■蓝达居/ 著
[ 摘要] 历史人类学即人类学的“历史化”,是从文化的角度考察历史。历史人类学强
[ 关键词] 历史人类学;历史;文化;人类学;反思
[ 中图分类号] KO : C91214 [ 文献标识码] A [ 文章编号] 1002 - 3887 ( 2001 ) 01 -
0002 - 06
A Brief Introduct ion to Historical Anthropol ogy
L AN Da - ju
( I nst i t u te of A n t h ropology , X i a m en U ni ve rsi t y , X i a m en 316005 , Chi n a)
Abstract :Histo rical ant hropology is t he histo ried ant hropolo gy ,t hat is ,to in2 spect histo ry f ro m t he viewpoint of cult ure . This subject emp hasizes t he histo rical o rientatio n of cult ure ,t he multi - nat ure of histo ry as well as t he impo rtance of cul2 t ural interp retatio n and memo ry of histo ry to t he making of histo ry. The signifi2 cance of histo rical ant hropolo gy lies in t he expo sure of histo rical f ault s of so me main deter minism of histo ry. The reinterp retatio n of co ncrete cases in t he light of histo ri2 cal ant hropology will endow us wit h t he value of int ro spectio n abo ut t he p rocess of
histo ry it self .
Key words : histo rical
spectio n
ant hropolo gy , histo ry , cult ure , ant hropolo gy , int ro2
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