南京理工大学课程考试试卷(学生考试用) 课程教学 大纲编号: 04027704 课程名称: Digital Signal Processing 学 分: 试卷编号: 001 考试方式: 闭卷笔试 考试时间: 120分钟 满分分值: 100分 组卷年月: 2005年1月 组卷教师: 审定教师: 学生班级: 学生学号: 学生姓名: Notice! 1. All the answers should be written in the answer sheet! 2. The following may be used for your answers: (1) Properties mon window functions:
Rectangular Bartlett Hanning Hamming Blackman Width of mainlobe 4π/(M+1) 8π/M 8π/M 8π/M 12π/M Peak approximation error (dB) -21 -25 -44 -53 -74 (2) Kaiser window: 1. Basic concepts: (18% ) (1) Find the impulse response h[n] and the frequency response H(e jw)of the overall system shown in Fig 1. Figure 1 (2) The system is shown in , in which H(z) = (1- e j z-1)( 1- e- j 0. 3p z-1)(1- e j z-1)( 1- e- j z-1) Figure 2 Find a stable and causal Hc(z) = so that the magnitude of the overall system |G(e jw)| =1. (3) The phase spectrum of sequence x[n] = d[n] + 2d[n -1] +d[n -2] is j(w) = . (4) Suppose x[n] X[k] (0≤ n ≤N -1, 0≤ k ≤ N -1), then WN 2kX[k]. (5) A finite-length sequence x[n].is shown in . Sketch the sequences x1[n] and x2[n] specified as: x1[n]