Duplexer Design RF & work Design Basics ——Master’s Course Seminar Lecturer: Wu Qun (Prof.,.) Agenda z Introduction z Overview of RF & MW Design Process z Case Study: RF Front-End − Duplexer z Measurement for Design − Passive Device Characterization Summary -2- 硕士学位课系列讲座 March 2003 Duplexer Design z Duplexer constructed of two separate bandpass filters z Stopband of one filter must not interfere with passband of other filter (and vice versa) z Each filter was measured, work was designed and simulated using S-parameter data files work consisted of simple transmission lines passband of GHz filter critical length non-critical length stopband of GHz filter at passband of GHz filter -3- 硕士学位课系列讲座 March 2003 Duplexer Filter Measurements z First attempt: used PC board fixture z